This is a draft key
for workers of South American species of Pogonomyrmex
that lack striae
on their first gastral tergum. Note that
species in the
lack these striae, but this group will be treated in a
manuscript. Please send comments or
edits to RAJ so as to increase
accuracy and
utility of the key. Note that several
species are keyed out
twice (denoted by
[part]) because they exhibit intraspecific variation with
respect to striae on
their first gastral tergum, i.e, individuals lack striae
or individuals
with striae that extend well beyond the base of the first
gastral tergum –
such variation can occur within colonies.
Only individuals
lacking these striae
are treated herein.
Species names given
in apostrophes (“ “) represent unpublished manuscript
names (status
changes and undescribed species) that are not to be used until
this monograph is formally
published. The couplet for each species
linked to a web
page for that species with taxonomic history, descriptions,
photos, and other information.
Pogonomyrmex of
1 Fine, dense, incised striae (usually longitudinal)
cover anterior
one-third to all of first gastral tergum ----------------- *** (see
-- Fine, dense, incised striae lacking or restricted to
base of first gastral
tergum -----------------------------------------------------------------
2 Head with scattered small foveae; in full-face view,
part to all of
cephalic dorsum with fine longitudinal
striae; antennal scapes short,
extending less than one-third the distance
from posterior margin of eye
to posterior corner of head (coarctatus-group) -------------------------
Head lacking foveae; in full-face view, cephalic dorsum with prominent
longitudinal rugae or rugoreticulate; antennal
scapes longer, extending
more than one-half the distance from
posterior margin of eye to posterior
corner of head ---------------------------------------------------------
3 Striae cover most of cephalic dorsum, areas lacking
striae shining to
strongly shining ------------------------------------------------------ 4
-- Striae
cover entire cephalic dorsum, entire dorsum weakly shining ----- 5
4 Workers usually larger, strongly polymorphic with
(HW = 1.94-3.54); weak to moderately coarse
rugae on posterior surface of
petiole; rugae on dorsum of postpetiole
absent or weak, if present usually
restricted to posterior margin; inferior
propodeal spines lacking or
very reduced in size, broadly rounded;
interrugal spaces on mesosoma
granulate, weakly shining ------------------------------------- coarctatus
-- Workers smaller,
monomorphic (HW = 1.91-2.33); coarse rugae on posterior
surface of petiole; weak to moderately
coarse rugae on dorsum of
postpetiole; inferior propodeal spines
pronounced, wider than long, apex
bluntly angulate to acuminate; interrugal
spaces on mesosoma smooth,
strongly shining -------------------------------------------------
5 In profile, lateral lobe of clypeus massively enlarged
with narrow
gap (much less than width of antennal scape)
between clypeal lobe and
frontal carina; concolorous ferruginous
orange to orange-red ---- lobatus
In profile, lateral lobe of clypeus not enlarged with broad gap (similar
to width of antennal scape) between clypeal lobe
and frontal carina;
bicolored, head dark red to reddish-black,
gaster blackish -------- micans
6 In frontal view, head elongate (CI < 90); hind
femur long, HFI > 120;
entire scape strongly striate; psammophore
poorly-developed, consisting of
hairs scattered over ventral side of head (cunicularius-group)
--------- 7
-- In frontal
view, head subquadrate to quadrate (CI > 90); hind femur rarely
long, HFI rarely > 100; scape smooth to moderately
striate; psammophore
poorly to well-developed ----------------------------------------------- 9
7 In profile, node of petiole rounded; inferior
propodeal spines wider than
high, broadly rounded; first gastral tergum
smooth and polished,
strongly shining; superior propodeal spines
shorter than distance between
bases -------------------------------------------------------
-- In
profile, node of petiole angulate; inferior propodeal spines about as
wide as high, acuminate; first gastral
tergum moderately to strongly
coriarious, dull to weakly shining; superior
propodeal spines longer than
distance between bases ------------------------------------------------- 8
8 Sculpturing on dorsum of mesosoma and posterior surface
of petiole coarse,
rugoreticulate to vermiculate; bicolored,
mesosoma and petiole medium
to dark orangish-brown to reddish-brown,
rest of body lighter - “serpens”
-- Sculpturing on dorsum of mesosoma and posterior surface
of petiole weak
moderately coarse, rugae irregular to weakly rugoreticulate;
concolorous tannish-red ------------------------------ “pencosensis”
denticles or tubercles ------------------------------------------------ 10
-- Superior
propodeal spines present, moderately to well developed -------
10 Dorsum of postpetiole with regular
to wavy transverse rugae ---- theresiae
-- Dorsum of postpetiole
lacking transverse rugae ------------------- inermis
posterior surface of petiole with crest along
anterior margin;
anteroventral margin of peduncle with acuminate
spine; mesosoma with at
least several long flexuous hairs; anterior
margin of clypeus with minute
medial tooth (sylvestris-group) ---------------------------------------
-- Superior
and inferior propodeal spines rarely long and acuminate; in
profile, posterior face of petiole rarely
with crest along anterior
margin; anteroventral margin of peduncle
straight or with triangular
process, but lacking acuminate spine; mesosoma
rarely with long flexuous
hairs; anterior margin of clypeus
lacking minute medial tooth --------- 14
12 Larger species (HW > 1.55
mm); mandible with seven teeth; compound eye
lacking hairs between ommatidia; clypeus
with prominent medial carina;
anterior margin of postpetiole not
offset from helcium ------ striatinodis
-- Smaller
species (HW < 1.35 mm); mandible with six teeth; compound eye
with hairs between ommatidia; clypeus
lacking prominent medial carina;
anterior margin of postpetiole offset
from helcium -------------------- 13
13 Posterior surface of petiole rugulose-punctate, dull
to weakly shining;
in profile, procoxae transversely striate;
femur and tibiae smooth
to weakly coriarious, weakly shining to
shining ------------------ stefani
Posterior surface of petiole
smooth to undulated, shining; in profile,
procoxae finely imbricate; femur and tibiae very
strongly coriarious,
dull ----------------------------------------------------------
14 Hairs on head (including
psammophore) and mesosoma very short,
thin, and delicate, maximal length similar
to width of cephalic
interrugae (note that one to few long coarse
hairs are occasionally
present along posterior margin of head
and/or pronotum) ------ tenuipubens
-- Hairs
on head (including psammophore) and mesosoma not thin
and delicate, maximal length much longer than width
of cephalic
interrugae ------------------------------------------------------------
15 Dorsum of
mesosoma and posterior surface of petiole rugoreticulate to
vermiculate -----------------------------------------------------------
-- Dorsum of mesosoma usually rugose, sometimes rugoreticulate to
vermiculate; posterior surface
of petiole with transverse or oblique rugae
or otherwise, but never
rugoreticulate to vermiculate ----------------- 17
16 Small lobe projects
dorsally from anterior margin of antennal fossa;
peduncle and anterior surface
of petiole meet at obtuse angle; in dorsal
view, posterior surface
of petiole narrow, width similar to or only
slightly greater than
distance between tips of superior propodeal spines;
mesosomal hairs
moderately short, longest rarely > 0.7-0.8x MOD ----------
---------------------------------------------------------- naegelii
-- Lacking
small lobe that projects dorsally from anterior
margin of antennal
fossa; peduncle and anterior
surface of petiole meet at or near right
angle; in dorsal view,
posterior surface of petiole distinctly wider than
distance between tips of
superior propodeal spines; mesosomal hairs
longer, longest
approaching to slightly exceeding MOD - abdominalis (part)
17 Dorsum of
postpetiole with transverse rugae --------------------------
-- Dorsum of postpetiole smooth and shining, granulate, punctate, or
otherwise, but
lacking transverse rugae (rarely with one to few
longitudinal rugae) --------------------------------------------------- 30
18 Deeply incised fine, regular
rugae on head and mesosoma, interrugal
spaces only slightly
wider than rugae; humeral angles enlarged, distinctly
elevated above medial
portion of pronotum; head and mesosoma black, gaster
dark ferruginous orange ---------------------------------------
-- Rugae on head wavy to irregular, not deeply incised, interrugal
distinctly wider than
rugae; rugae on mesosoma irregular, rugoreticulate,
or vermiculate; humeral
angles flush with to slightly elevated above
medial portion of pronotum;
color variable, but if head and mesosoma black
and gaster dark orange,
then wide interrugal spaces on head are strongly
granulate -------------------------------------------------------------
19 Interrugal
spaces on head smooth to moderately coriarious, weakly shining
to shining ------------------------------------------------------------
-- Interrugal spaces on head moderately to strongly granulate, dull ------
20 Body concolorous
black except for dark reddish band encircling eye; rugae
on promesonotum
longitudinal, usually regular; rugae at medial occipital
margin longitudinal,
rarely rugoreticulate ------------------- “tinogasta”
-- Head and mesosoma dark reddish-black, gaster black; rugae on
transverse, oblique, or
irregular, rarely longitudinal; rugae along medial
occipital margin usually
partly rugoreticulate ------------------ laticeps
21 Body concolorous black ------------------------------------------- atratus
-- Body bicolored or
concolorous ferruginous orange, reddish-orange, or
--------------------------------------------------------- 22
22 Head and mesosoma blackish
to black, gaster light to dark ferruginous
orange or orangish-black ---------------------------------------------- 23
-- Body
concolorous or if bicolored then head and mesosoma not black ----- 24
23 Usually larger (HW =
1.76-2.06 mm); first gastral tergum moderately to
strongly coriarious anterad, dull to weakly
shining; pronotal rugae weak
to moderately coarse; medial rugae on mesonotum
usually continuing to
margin of pronotum --------------------------------- meridionalis
-- Usually
smaller (HW = 1.61-1.81); first gastral tergum weakly to
moderately coriarious, weakly shining to smooth
and shining anterad;
rugae coarse; medial rugae on mesonotum diverging or becoming
transverse to rugoreticulate on pronotum,
but not continuing to anterior
margin or pronotum
-------------------------------------------- pronotalis
24 Bicolored – head dark
reddish-brown, mesosoma and gaster black (mesonotum
occasionally dark reddish-black) --------------------- vermiculatus
-- Body
concolorous or if bicolored then mesosoma and gaster not black --- 25
25 First gastral tergum
(including posterior margin) moderately to strongly
coriarious, dull ------------------------------------ “semistriata” (part)
-- Posterior
margin and usually posterior one-third to one-half or more of
first gastral tergum smooth and shining to
strongly shining, rarely
weakly coriarious -----------------------------------------------------
26 Head ferruginous orange to
reddish-brown; mesosoma blackish to black
with strong orangish to reddish infusion on
promesonotum -------------- 27
-- Head
and mesosoma concolorous to nearly concolorous light to dark
ferruginous orange to reddish-brown -----------------------------------
27 Promesonotal suture usually
present, pronotum lighter than mesonotum
along suture; interrugae on pronotal sides
and mesopleura strongly
granulate, dull; clypeus orangish to
orangish-red, concolorous with
adjacent cephalic areas -----------------------------------– “intermedia”
-- Promesonotal
suture usually absent, pronotum and mesonotum concolorous
along their juncture; interrugae on pronotal sides
and mesopleura weakly
to moderately granulate, dull to weakly shining;
clypeus reddish-black to
blackish, notably darker than adjacent cephalic
areas --------“maulensis”
28 Anterior surface of petiole
meets peduncle at or very near to a right
angle; in profile, gaster dark blackish-red,
usually darker than head and
mesosoma –----------------------------------------------------
-- Anterior
surface of petiole meets peduncle at an obtuse angle; in profile,
gaster mostly ferruginous orange, usually
concolorous with or slightly
lighter than head and mesosoma ---------------------------------------- 29
29 Antennae blackish,
notably darker than cephalic dorsum – “araucania”
-- Antennae orangish,
nearly concolorous with cephalic dorsum --- “spinolae”
30 Posterior surface of petiole
lacking rugae or rarely with few weak
longitudinal rugae; head and mesosoma usually
concolorous dark brown to
black, rarely with blackish head and orangish
mesosoma; metanotal sulcus
usually present, weakly to strongly impressed;
inferior propodeal spines
well-developed, usually acuminate; propodeal
spiracles circular
(brevibarbis-group) -------------------------------------- *** (see
-- Posterior
surface of petiole with weak to moderately coarse transverse
head and mesosoma concolorous light to dark ferruginous orange;
metanotal sulcus rarely present; inferior
propodeal spines absent to
poorly-developed; propodeal spiracles
narrowly ovate ------------------
31 Larger (HW = 1.75-2.05 mm); body
concolorous ferruginous orange to
reddish-orange; in frontal view, frontal
lobes enlarged, lateral margins
convex, projecting at a strong vertical
orientation from cephalic
dorsum --------------------------------------------------------
-- Smaller
(HW = 1.24-1.61 mm); head and mesosoma concolorous ferruginous
orange, gaster sometimes blackish; in
frontal view, frontal lobes small,
lateral margins subparallel, projecting
nearly parallel to cephalic
dorsum ------------------------------------------------------
*** these species will be treated in separate manuscripts.