Species: Pogonomyrmex pencosensis
Taxonomic history (from RAJ):
Pogonomyrmex cunicularius Mayr race pencosensis Forel, 1914: 265 (worker, male). Syntypes examined: 24 workers, 1 ergatoid queen, 1 male [MHNG], 1 worker [MLPA], #1555, ARGENTINA, San Luis Province: Alto Pencoso (Bruch leg.); Kusnezov, 1951: 251) (synonomy under cunicularius; not confirmed here). See also Gallardo, 1932: 125, figs. 16, 17 (MLPA worker here designated LECTOTYPE ). NEW STATUS as valid species (Johnson, 2015).
Pogonomyrmex cunicularius pencosensis var. dubia Forel, 1914: 267 (worker). Syntypes examined: 1 worker [MHNG],
1 worker [MLPA], ARGENTINA, San Luis Province: Alto Pencoso (Bruch leg.) [unavailable name]; Kusnezov, 1951: 251 (synonomy under cunicularius; not confirmed here). See also Gallardo, 1932: 128. NEW SYNONOMY
Etymology: The specific epithet, pencosensis (Latinization of Pencoso, and – ensis = adjectival suffix for belonging to), refers to the syntype series being collected at Alto Pencoso, San Luis Province, Argentina.
Species description: Forel, 1914 (RAJ revision description)
Other literature: Gallardo, 1932; Kusnezov, 1951; Johnson, 2010
Photos of all castes: lectotype worker, worker, ergatoid queen, male