Species: Pogonomyrmex RAJ "inte" (unpublished change of status; name not to be used )
Taxonomic history (from RAJ):
Pogonomyrmex (Ephebomyrmex) bispinosus var. intermedia Menozzi, 1935: 320 (worker). Syntypes examined: x workers [GGC] not examined, #204, CHILE, Bío Bío Region: Ñuble Province, Volcán de Chillan, 1700 m (Prof. W. Goetsch leg.).
Pogonomyrmex (Pogonomyrmex) bispinosus var. intermedius Menozzi; Kempf, 1972: 207. First combination in Pogonomyrmex (Pogonomyrmex). Snelling & Hunt, 1976: 75 (synonomy under vermiculatus: not confirmed here). NEW STATUS
Etymology: Menozzi described P. intermedia by comparing it to two other Chilean taxa, P. bispinosus and P. bispinosus var. semistriatus, indicating that the sculpturing of P. intermedia was similar to that of P. bispinosus var. semistriatus, and much more pronounced than in P. bispinosus, but that the gaster was smooth and shiny as in P. bispinosus (whereas the gaster of P. semistriatus has fine longitudinal striae). Thus, the name intermedia appears to be derived from this species having a set of characters intermediate to those of P. bispinosus and P. bispinosus var. semistriatus.
Species desription: Menozzi, 1935 (from RAJ revision)
Other literature: None
Photos of all castes: syntype worker, worker, alate queen, male, habitat photos