Species: Pogonomyrmex bispinosus
Taxonomic history (from RAJ):
Atta bispinosus Spinola in Gay, 1851: 244 (worker) (not queen, male). Syntypes examined: 1 worker [holotype, by monotypy; not examined]. CHILE, Valparaiso Region: Aconcagua Province, Santa Rosa de los Andes.
Pogonomyrmex bispinosus Spinola; Mayr, 1870: 971. First combination in Pogonomyrmex. See also Gallardo, 1932; 130; Snelling & Hunt, 1976: 72, Figs. 24, 27, 28.
Species description: Spinola in Gay, 1851 (from RAJ revision)
Etymology: The naming of this species apparently refers to the two well-developed superior propodeal spines, which Spinola described as two dorsal spines, straight and equally vertical, slightly in front of posterior border.
Other literature: None
Photos of all castes and synonyms: neotype, worker, ergatoid queen, male