Species: Pogonomyrmex cunicularius
Taxonomic history (from RAJ):
Pogonomyrmex cunicularius Mayr, 1887: 613 (worker, male). Syntypes examined: 2 workers [NMW], 3 workers [MSNG], URUGUAY, no loc., 1 male [NMW], URUGUAY, Montevideo Department: Montevideo; 2 workers [NMW], Buenos Aires (Prof. Berg leg.). See also Gallardo, 1932: 120, fig. 13 (NMW worker from URUGUAY here designated LECTOTYPE).
Pogonomyrmex cunicularis var. brevispinus Santschi, 1931: 275 (worker, ergatoid queen). Syntypes examined: 1 worker, 1 ergatoid queen [MACN], ARGENTINA, Entre Ríos Province: Estación Sosa (Mac Donagh leg.). Kusnezov, 1951: 251 (synonomy under cunicularius; here confirmed). See also Gallardo, 1932: 123 (MACN worker here designated LECTOTYPE).
Etymology: The specific epithet, cunicularius, (from Latin cunicul-, plus the Latin suffix –arius, indicates a miner or burrower), apparently refers to the soil nests excavated by this species. Mayr did not discuss the naming of this species. However, Kusnezov (1949) wrote that P. cunicularius is the only Argentinian species of Pogonomyrmex that constructs a crater, even though they are relatively small and flat.
Species description: Mayr, 1887 (RAJ revision description)
Other literature: Gallardo, 1932; Kusnezov, 1951; Johnson, 2010
Photos of all castes and junior synonyms: lectotype worker, worker, ergatoid queen, male