Species: Pogonomyrmex coarctatus
Taxonomic history (from RAJ):
Pogonomyrmex coarctatus Mayr, 1868: 170 (worker). Syntypes examined: 2 workers [NMW], ARGENTINA, Buenos Aires Province: Bahía Blanca (Strobel leg.); Mayr, 1887: 614 (queen); Bruch, 1917: 303, figs. 1, 2 (male). See also Gallardo, 1932: 150, figs. 33-36 (NMW worker here designated LECTOTYPE).
Pogonomyrmex coarctatus Mayr var. striaticeps Emery, 1906: 157 (worker, in footnote). Syntypes examined: 3 workers [MACN], #1609, ARGENTINA, Santa Fe Province: Rosario (Hubrich leg.); Kusnezov, 1951: 253 (synonomy under coarctatus; here confirmed). See also Gallardo, 1932: 156, figs. 37-38 (MACN worker here designated LECTOTYPE).
Pogonomyrmex coarctatus race bruchi Forel, 1913: 217 (worker). Syntypes examined: 3 workers [MHNG], ARGENTINA, Buenos Aires Province: Bahía Blanca, Puerto Militar (Ingenieur Zelenka leg., 19 November, 1913), 2 workers [MHNG], Buenos Aires Province, Estación Verónica, south of La Plata (Schuel leg.), 1 worker [MLPA], Buenos Aires Province (MHNG worker from Bahía Blanca here designated LECTOTYPE).
Pogonomyrmex bruchi Forel; Forel, 1914: 268. Raised to species. See also Gallardo, 1932: 157, fig. 39. NEW SYNONOMY
Etymology: Mayr (1868) did not give information or discuss the naming of this species, and his reasoning for this name is unclear. The epithet coarctatus (from Latin, coarct = compressed, confined, or drawn close together,
and – atus = suffix to denote provided with) apparently refers to an unknown structure that Mayr determined to be compressed or drawn close together.
Species description: Mayr, 1868 (RAJ revision description)
Other literature: Gallardo, 1932; Kusnezov, 1951
Photos of all castes and synonyms: lectotype worker, worker, alate queen, male