Species: Pogonomyrmex marcusi
Taxonomic history (from RAJ):
Pogonomyrmex marcusi Kusnezov, 1951: 260, fig. 13a (worker, diagnosis in key). Syntypes examined: 3 workers [LACM], 3 workers [MZUSP], 16 workers [USNM], BOLIVIA, Cochabamba Department: Cochabamba (H. Marcus leg. 19 December 1945 & 4 May 1946). Kusnezov, 1954: 82, figs. 1-4 (queen, male); Marcus, 1953: 43, figs. 33-41 (larvae); Wheeler & Wheeler, 1960: 3 (redescription of larvae). See also Marcus and Marcus, 1951: 117, figs. 8-11; Marcus, 1953: 43, figs. 30-32 (USNM worker here designated LECTOTYPE).
Etymology: Kuznezov named this species after Dr. Harry Marcus, who apparently collected the syntypes and studied the ecology of this species. Kusnezov described P. marcusi in a key in his revision of the Pogonomyrmex of Argentina (Kusnezov, 1951), but he did not describe all three castes until Kusnezov (1954). During the interim, Marcus had completed two studies on the ecology of P. marcusi (see below).
Species description: Kusnezov, 1951 (RAJ revision description)
Other literature: Kusnezov, 1954; Marcus, 1953; Marcus & Marcus, 1951
Photos of all castes: lectotype worker, worker, alate queen, male