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NPower Arizona
Lodestar Center for Philanthropy & Nonprofit Innovation
is a founding partner of NPower
Arizona. The Center and NPower continue to be strategic
partners on a number of projects and capacity building efforts.
NPower Arizona's mission is to help all nonprofits -- regardless
of size, sector or geography -- access and use technology to expand
the reach and impact of their services.
The Lodestar Center was actively
involved in the
community coalition that worked intensively for over a year to establish
NPower Arizona as an affiliate of the NPower
National Partnership. The Center provided significant in-kind
staff, organizational, and research support to the NPower initiative.
For more information on NPower Arizona, please visit their web
site at www.npoweraz.org.
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ASU Lodestar Center for Philanthropy & Nonprofit Innovation | College of Public Programs | Mail Code 4120 | 411 N. Central Ave. Suite 500
Arizona State University | University Center | Phoenix, AZ 85004-0691 | 602.496.0500 |