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The purpose of the Lodestar Center Nonprofit News (LCNN) is to share information relevant and beneficial to those who lead, manage and support nonprofits. All items meeting these submission guidelines will be published. LCNN does not endorse any submission nor certify the quality of any product or service listed herein. The editors of LCNN strongly encourage readers to engage in good consumer research practices before making any investment of resources.

Information Submission Guidelines:

When submitting items to the Lodestar Center Nonprofit News, please ensure that your submissions meet the following criteria:

  • Kindly limit submissions to 250 words or less.
  • We cannot accept attachments, but if the document is online, we can link to it.
  • Post application deadlines and other dates where appropriate.
Please note the following parameters for published items:
  • Announcements will run for one issue.
  • Job listings will run for two issues.
  • Events will run until the day of the event has passed.
  • Only events focused on capacity building of the nonprofit sector will be published. LCNN does not publish announcements for events geared toward specific service areas, such as homelessness, domestic violence, behavioral health, etc.
The Lodestar Center Nonprofit News does not list the following:
  • Announcements that advertise the services of consultants
  • Announcements or RFPs seeking the services of consultants
  • Individual achievements (e.g. published works, personal appearances, etc.) used to promote personal advancement or awareness of one’s company or organization.
  • Benefits and fundraisers
  • Cause/issues-specific events (i.e. events that do not fall under the over-arching category of capacity building)
  • Announcements advertising social entrepreneurship and/or earned income ventures
  • Members-only events (e.g. club or board meetings) or announcements pertaining only to individuals affiliated with that organization
  • Announcements of new staff appointments (except Executive Director and Board appointments)
  • Announcements seeking volunteers, members, or interns
  • Announcements that do not benefit organizations or individuals working within the nonprofit sector
  • Announcements that are not of interest to the entire nonprofit community, without exception or exclusion

If you have any questions, please contact the Lodestar Center via e-mail at or call 602.496.0500.

Arizona State University College of Public Programs
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  ASU Lodestar Center for Philanthropy & Nonprofit Innovation | College of Public Programs | Mail Code 4120 | 411 N. Central Ave. Suite 500
Arizona State University | University Center | Phoenix, AZ 85004-0691 | 602.496.0500