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Introductory Remarks about this section:
Brief commentaries/ new scholarly finds/ research projects-in-process, improvised conversations concerning books of original poetry & other innovative written forms , as well as new works of scholarship. We want to know how you are thinking about the works you are reading by women writers in the modernist or experimentalist traditions. Poets, scholars, students, readers are invited to contribute to this section. Send suggestions or finished speculations to: Kathleen Fraser <kfraser@sfsu.edu>

Cynthia Hogue
from "H.D. Reading Party, 1999, Cornwall"

Sarah Anne Cox &
Elizabeth Treadwell

Dialogue on Marcella Durand's City of Ports and Noemi Maxwell's Thrum

Jeanne Heuving
"Anarchism and the 'unreal self': Laura (Riding) Jackson and Kathy Acker" an excerpt

Marina Camboni
"Dora Marsdon,Ezra Pound, H.D. and 'The Art of the Future' "

Jo Ann Wasserman
On Brenda Coultas' A Summer Newsreel

Kathy Lou Schultz
"Talking Trash, Talking Class: What's a Working Class Poetic, and Where Would I Find One?" (reprint from Tripwire)

FROM the Barnard Conference 4/10/99

Linda Russo
"Barnard Notes or I Can't Believe the Difference is Spreading"

Rachel Blau DuPlessis
Excerpt from "Comment on Marjorie Perloff: After Language Poetry: Innovation and its Theoretical Discontents"

NOTE to Readers: Beginning with issue n3, HOW2 will devote an on-going section to conferences focused on modernist and contemporary innovative texts/scholarship, where works by women are given serious attention. We are interested in publishing both full versions -- or excerpts -- of papers & talks, as well as critical responses/ discussions initiated by issues explored at a particular conference. You are invited to send contributions and suggestions to: kfraser@sfsu.edu

go to this issue's table of contents