Rocky Mountain European Scholars Consortium
Theme: Europe’s Diversity
October 19-20, 2007
Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona
Submission Deadline: May 1, 2007
Sponsored by: School of International Letters and Cultures
The Rocky Mountain European Scholars Consortium is pleased to announce the fourth annual, multi-disciplinary conference focusing on European topics. The conference aims to provide a challenging forum for the examination and evaluation of the shifting shape and meaning of Europe. Scholars from various disciplines are invited to share their work and to interact with colleagues from throughout the Intermountain West and other areas of the world.
This year’s conference theme is “Europe’s Diversity” in its broadest dimension.
Papers, presentations, forums, and workshops are invited on any of the following topics of Europe’s diversity encompassing:
- Art
- Business/Economy
- Culture
- Drama
- European Union
- Film
- Government/Politics
- History
- Humanity/Society
- Literature
- Music/Opera
- Religion
- Philosophy
- Science
Presentation Formats
Individual papers:
Individual papers for presentation should be no longer than 20-30 minutes of reading time (about 10 pages double-spaced). The Organizing Committee will group related individually submitted papers into themed sessions.
Panels last 1 hour and 45 minutes. These usually consist of four 15- to 20-minute paper presentations (8-9 double-spaced pages each), with a short introduction by the chair, and may include brief (e.g., 5-minute) closing remarks by a discussant. However, panel chairs are free to propose innovative structures for their session.
Forums are 1 hour and 45 minute informal discussions organized around a specific subject.
Forums may include up to six participants and should involve extensive interaction with the audience.
Workshops are also 1 hour and 45 minutes and should focus on issues of professional development (grant writing to fund research in Europe, incorporating Europe into the curriculum, etc.).
Deadlines and Submission Procedures:
500 word abstracts of individual papers (including each paper prepared for panels) and 500 word descriptions of panels, forums, and workshops must be submitted electronically or postmarked by midnight, May 1, 2007.
All proposals will be peer reviewed. Contributors will be notified of acceptance by mid June 2007. Select papers accepted for and presented at the conference may be published in Connections.
Final versions of individual papers or Power Point presentations that require a special connection to a computer at the conference will be due on September 15, 2007. Presenters may bring their own USBs as well.
Each submission should include:
- Title of presentation in CAPS
- Topic area (see list above)
- Presentation format
- Name(s) of presenter (s)
- Institutional affiliation(s) (including department)
- Address, phone number, and email address of presenter for individual paper OR of panel/forum/workshop organizer
- 500-word abstract
Electronic abstract submissions should be cut and pasted into the body of the email text or
attached as a Word or Rich Text Format file with “proposal” in the subject line. Send electronic abstracts to:
Submitting proposals by mail:
Send proposals to:
RMESC Organizing Committee
Rocky Mountain European Scholars Consortium Annual Conference
School of International Letters and Cultures
P.O. Box 870202
Arizona State University
Tempe, AZ 85287-0202
Additional Information:
Registration fee of $30 includes Friday Lunch [by Aug. 1st, 2007]
Late Registration fee $40.00
Graduate Student Registration $20.00 [by Aug. 1st, 2007]
Graduate Student Late registration fee $25.00
Links to information about accommodations and directions to the ASU campus will become available on the conference website after May 1, 2007:
Information about the first three RMESC conferences held at the Kennedy Center for the Study of Europe at Brigham Young University and the online journal Connections are available at