Center for Computational Nanoscience

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The Center for Computational Nanoscience (CCN) brings together the faculty across campus who are currently involved in modeling and simulation. Computation has been called the third paradigm of science, after theory and experiment and this center brings national visibility to the strong program at ASU. Device design is a critical factor in nanoelectronics, in order to direct experimental efforts most efficiently. Computational materials must be coupled directly for nanostructures with heterogeneous and dimensionally constrained materials. Novel devices and prediction of device performance is an unique strength of this center. Faculties are included from Department of Electrical Engineering (Ferry, Goodnick, Lai, Vasileska) Department of Physics(Sankey, Shumway) Department of Mathematics and Statistics (Gardner, Ringhofer) and Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering(Adams, Van Schilfgaarde).




Biomolecular Integrated Circuits(CBIC)

Computational Nanoscience

Applied Nanoionics
