Highlights from the HOW(ever) Archives

Kathleen Fraser launched HOW(ever) in 1983 as a journal for experimental women's poetry that subscribers received in the mail. Between May, 1983 and January, 1992, two dozen print-on-paper issues of HOW(ever) were created. How2 ( is the continuation of that project. Here is a second selection of highlights from HOW(ever) archive.

Susan Gevirtz, Who can speak, cough or breathe, HOW(ever), vol. 3, no. 4 (January, 1987).

Hannah Weiner, from WEEKS: 18, HOW(ever), vol. 3, no. 4 (January, 1987).

Rosmarie Waldrop, Excerpts from "Inserting the Mirror," HOW(ever), vol. 3, no. 4 (January, 1987).

Lydia Davis, MYSTERIOUSLY DEFINING THE MYSTERIOUS: BYZANTINE PROPOSALS OF POETRY (excerpts from a talk given by Barbara Guest at St. Marks Poetry Project, NYC, June 1986), HOW(ever), vol. 3, no. 4 (January, 1987).



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