




Kathleen FraserEditor/Publisher: Kathleen Fraser

Jo Ann WassermanManaging Editor: Jo Ann Wasserman

Roberta SimsWeb Designer: Roberta L. Sims


NEW ADDITIONS to the How2 staff -- & already gathering data for their sections -- are:

Arielle Greenberg [SUNY Syracuse], coordinator for our "up-date" calendar listings <acgreenb@mailbox.syr.edu>

Mytili Jagganathan, in charge of renewing the "in-print" listings for recently published modernist/experimentalist books & journals written and edited by women <mytilij@yahoo.com>

Kathy Lou Schultz [U Penn] & Hilda Boffin [Royal Holloway College, University of London], inter-continental coordinators of the "in-conference" section <klou@dept.english.upenn.edu> and <hildaboffin@comsave.co.uk>

Lisa Docherty [Wellington, N.Z.] and Anya Lewim [Dartington College/U.K.], international scouts for mixed media and performance works. <l.docherty@xtra.co.nz> and <a.lewin@dartington.ac.uk>

Editorial Advisory Board:

Etel Adnan: Paris, Sausalito, Beirut/ Eileen O'Malley Callahan: UC Berkeley/ Marina Camboni: Rome, Universita di Macerata/ Kornelia Freitag: Universityof Potsdam/ Elisabeth Frost: NYC, Fordham University/ Susan Gevirtz: San Francisco, U.S.F./ Eileen Gregory: University of Dallas/ Cynthia Hogue: Lewisburg (PA), Bucknell University/ Linda Kinnahan: Pittsburgh, Duquesne University/ Michelle Leggott: University of Auckland (NZ)/ Lisa Docherty: New Zealand/ Nicole Markotic: University of Calgary (BC)/ Hannah Moeckel-Rieke: Free University of Berlin / Marina Morbiducci: University of Pescara/ Harryette Mullen, Los Angeles, UCLA/ Frances Presley: London/ Linda Russo: SUNY Buffalo/ Mary Margaret Sloan, University of Chicago/ Cole Swensen: University of Denver/ Ann Vickery: Sydney (AU), Macquarie University/ Momoko Watanabe: Tokyo Metropolitan University

HOW2 Internet Address (Bookmark it!):

Editorial correspondence may be e-mailed to:

kfraser@sfsu.edu or twoswirl@aol.com