HOW2Readings bboks
about this section:

Investigation of the poetics/politics of intentionality may be considered as a significant element of this section, as well as questions of canon formation, public access, the reviewing process, etc. These writings may be original or reprinted (by permission), and will include conference papers relevant to the HOW2 project. Reflections on the poem-making process are encouraged, as well as more formal essays. Bios and photos are always requested; when they don't appear, it is at the discretion of the writer. The guest editor for "reading/s" H2/n5 is Jeanne Heuving, <>.


Ann Vickery
from Leaving Lines of Gender: A Feminist Genealogy of Language Writing

Marina Morbiducci
"Oriental Peaceful Penetration": Stein Revisited

Wendy Tronrud
The temptation of neat intelligibility: An Interview with Yvonne Rainer

Renata Morresi
Set Apart: Nancy Cunard

Linda Russo
The Limited Scope of the Recuperative Model: a context for reading Joanne Kyger

Hilda Bronstein
Mina Loy's Insel as Caustic Critique of the Surrealist Paradox

Brenda Hillman
Crossing The Garden: Rae Armantrout's Metaphysics


IN-CONFERENCE: "Part II: Contemporary Women Poets Seminar": presented at New Modernisms conference, Penn State, Fall 1999

Sara Lundquist
INTRODUCTION 'The difficult soundings of modernism's female half': A Collection of Essays from "Modernist and Contemporary Women Poets," a seminar held at the New Modernism Conference

Kimberly Lamm
Modernist Clothes Made New: The Visible Presence of Zora Neal Hurston and Gertrude Stein in Harryette Mullen's Trimmings

Nesrin Eruysal
In Habentibus Symbolum Facilior Est Transitus

Jenny Goodman
Breaking the Taboo against the Epic: An Alternative Female Modernist Legacy for Contemporary Women Poets

Cynthia Hogue
“I am not of that feather”: Kathleen Fraser's Postmodernist Poetics

Edward Lintz
Antanaclasis for the Masses: Lancelot Andrewes and Gertrude Stein

Sara Lundquist
'Hers and Mine / Hers and Mine': H.D. and Barbara Guest

Caroline Maun
Evelyn Scott's Precipitations

Heather Thomas
H.D. and Anne Waldman: Vow to Salvation Poetry


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