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[Historia medicinal. 3. parte. Latin.]
Simplicium medicamentorum ex novo orbe delatorum, quorum in medicina usus est, historiae liber tertius.
Hispanico sermone nuper descriptus a P. Nicolao Monardes. . . Nunc vero primum Latio donatus, & notis illustratus a Carolo Clusio. Antverpiae: Ex officipa Christophori Plantini, 1582. Translation of the 3rd section of Primera y segunda y tercera partes de la historia medicinal de las cosas que se traen de nuestras Indias Occidentales, published in 1574. References: Pritzel 6366; Guerra, F. Monardes 24.
This is an abbreviation by Clusius of the third section of the work by Monardes on medicinal plants of the New World. The third part of this work was added posthumously to the two parts which were published during Monardes' lifetime. For a fuller description, see PAT-77, 78, and 79.
Subjects: Medicinal plants; Botany--Pre-Linnean works.