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[Historia medicinal. English]
Joyfull Newes out of the New-Found Worlde. Wherein are Declared, the Rare and Singular Vertues of Diuers Herbs, Trees, Plantes, Oyles & Stones, with their Applications, as well to the vse of Phisick, as of Chirurgery. . .Also the Portrature of the Said Hearbes, Verie Aptly Described.
Englished by John Frampton, marchant. Newly cor. . . . Wherevnto are added three other bookes treating of the bezaar stone, the herb escuerconera, the properties of iron and steele in medicine, and the benefit of snow. London, Printed by E. Allde, by the assigne of B. Norton, 1596. Nos. 164-170 omitted in numbering leaves. Leaves 1-[110] with running-title "The first[-thyrde] part of the thinges that are brought from the West Indias" contain a translation of Monardes' "Primera y segvnda y tercera partes de la historia medicinal de las cosas que se traen de nuestras Indias Occientales que siruen en medicina." Sevilla, A. Escriuano, 1574 (Seuilla, F. Diaz, 1530). Third English ed.--Cf. Johnston, S. H. Cleveland coll. 140. References: STC 18007; Hunt 173. Contents: The first[-third] part of the thinges that are brought from the West Indias (l. 1-[110]); A booke which treateth of two medicines most excellent against all venome, which are the bezaar stone, & the hearbe escuerconera (l. [111]-138); The dialogve of yron, which treateth of the greatnesse thereof (l. 139-163); The boke which treateth of the snow, and of the properties & vertues thereof (l. 173- 187).
Joyfull Newes is significant because it contains some of the earliest accounts of the botany of the New World. Monardes, who was born in Spain, praises the Spanish explorers for bringing back herbs and plants from the New World. To quote from his work: "As there is discovered newe regions, newe kyngdomes and newe Provinces, by our spanyardes, thei have brought unto us newe Medicines and newe Remedies." John Frampton, the translator, has given us a memorable description of the sunflower, which he refers to as an "Hearbe of the Sunne. . .a straunge flower, for it casteth out the greatest flowers, and the most perticulars that ever hath been seen, for it is greater than a greate Platter or Dishe, the whiche hath divers coulers. . .it showeth marveilous faire in Gardines." Included among the New World plants is perhaps the earliest description and illustration of the tobacco plant.
Subjects: Medicinal herbs; Iron--Therapeutic use; Snow--Therapeutic use.