The New ASU Story:
In just over a century, sixteen principals and presidents have led ASU on its journey to greatness. Working together with student government, the academic senate, staff council and alumni our leadership has created a university of distinction with a commitment to quality education. |
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The Tempe Normal Student Association was organized in 1910 to lift “school spirit” by organizing the student body. Their accomplishments included the homecoming parade, traffic control at athletic competitions, and supervision of assemblies. In 1931 the constitution was changed; the association was now formed by the president and two representatives of each class. Their goal was to make the Sahuaro a student-body publication and they also made provisions for traffic regulations on the campus “speed-ways.” In the late 1930s the student government responsibilities included budgeting of funds to student functions. Today, Associated Students of Arizona State University (ASASU) represents 50,000 registered students.
For more about ASASU, please visit:
The Alumni Association was established in 1894. Its purpose was listed in the 1895 catalog as follows:
“It is confidently believed that all graduates of this school will manifest a lively interest in its welfare. Their influence on the schools of the territory is already plainly seen and it will doubtless increase as they increase in experience and numbers. The Faculty desire to be informed of the success of the graduates and also to render them professional assistance as far as possible.”
The Alumni Association serves the alumni and unites the members for the purpose of advancing Arizona State University.
Visit the ASU Alumni Association online at:
The Classified Staff Council serves as a liaison between the classified staff and administration. There are records of members as early as 1967.
Visit the Classified Staff Council online at:
In 1949 the Faculty Council, later Assembly, was formed which gave administration and faculty equal voice on matters of instruction. The organization now supports the development of academic professionals and faculty at ASU. The name was changed to Academic Senate in 1991, to better reflects the membership that includes academic professionals.
To find out more about the Academic Senate, please visit:
Listed below are individuals not mentioned elsewhere who made significant contributions in laying the foundation of ASU. Most worked at ASU countless years during the most difficult times: through wars; through growth periods; at times with little staff and funding. These are only a few examples of the many men and women who made a difference.