Since HBLI serves as a consortium, we seek to network with other agencies who share similar missions or whose purposes overlap with our own mission. Listed here are a number of Latino and educational organizations, policy and research centers, educational data resources, and other relevant sites.
The Civil Rights Projects At Harvard University:

The Civil Rights Project (CRP) is a leading organization devoted
to civil rights research. It has found eager collaborators among
researchers nationwide, and wide open doors among advocacy
organizations, policymakers and journalists. Focusing initially on
education reform, it has convened dozens of national conferences
and roundtables; commissioned over 90 new research and policy
studies; produced major reports on desegregation, student diversity,
school discipline, special education, dropouts, and Title I programs;
and published four books, with two more in the editing stage. CRP
has initiated joint projects across disciplinary and institutional lines
at universities, advocacy organizations, and think tanks throughout
the country. CRP directors and staff testify and provide technical
on Capitol Hill and in state capitals. Its research has been
incorporated into federal legislation, cited in litigation, and used to
spur Congressional hearings. In any given month, CRP work is quoted
in such national media as The Village Voice, The New York Times,
Time Magazine and The News Hour with Jim Lehrer.
CRP's increasing national prominence and rapid growth confirm that
the initial vision was correct, and provide the backdrop for an ambitious
financial, programmatic and strategic agenda. The next five years will
be critical as CRP seeks to expand its capacity into additional areas,
including: (1) community security and criminal justice; (2) voting rights
and deepening democratic engagement; (3) metropolitan economic
opportunity (including housing, growth and employment); (4) community
and family wealth; and (5) health care justice.For more about CRP link to
American Council for Education (ACE):

American Council for Education (ACE), founded in 1918, is
the nation's coordinating higher education association. ACE
is dedicated to the belief that equal educational opportunity
and a strong higher education system are essential corner-
stones of a democratic society. Its approximately 1,800 me-
mbers include accredited,degree-granting colleges and other
education and education related organizations. ACE is a forum
for the discussion of major issues related to higher education
and its potential to contribute to the quality of American life.
ACE maintains both a domestic and an international agenda
and seeks to advance the interests and goals of higher educa-
tion in a changing environment by providing leadership and
advocacy on important issues, representing the views of the higher
and adult education community to policy makers, and offering
services to its members. For more about ACE link to
You can also contact ACE at the following
Office of Minorities in Higher Education,
William B. Harvey, Vice President and
Congressional Hispanic Caucus
Institute, Inc. (CHCI):

The Congressional
Hispanic Caucus was organized in 1976 by
five Hispanic Congressmen: Herman Badillo (NY), Baltasar
Corrada (PR), E. "Kika" de la Garza (TX), Henry B. Gonzalez
(TX), and Edward Roybal (CA), to monitor legislative and other
government activity that affects Hispanics. The Caucus was origi-
nally formed to serve as a legislative organization through which
legislative action, as well as executive and judicial actions, could
be monitored to ensure that the needs of Hispanics were being met.
The founders' goal was to work in conjunction with
other groups,
both inside and outside Congress, to
strengthen the Federal commi-
tment to Hispanic citizens
and heighten the Hispanic community's
awareness of the
operation and function of the American political
In October 1981, the
House Committee on the House Admini
stration drafted a new regulation
that stipulated that all caucuses
involved in fund raising must move
this particular activity off of
government premises.The members of the
Congressional Hispanic
Caucus decided to maintain a legislative support
organization on
Capitol Hill, the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, and
move the non-
profit, fund raising organization, the Congressional
Hispanic Caucus,
Inc. Along with a new residence, it also acquired a new
-- the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute, Inc. (CHCI).
To learn more about CHCI, link to the web page
Hispanic Scholarship

The Hispanic Scholarship
Fund (HSF) is the largest Hispanic scholar-
ship granting organization in
the nation. HSF recognizes and rewards
outstanding Hispanic students in
higher education throughout the United
States and Puerto Rico. These
students represent every region of the
country, hundreds of institutions
of higher learning and every segment
of the Hispanic community. Founded
in 1975, HSF has awarded more
than 45,000 scholarships totaling nearly
$60 million. To learn more about
HSF, link to
Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (HACU):

The Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (HACU)
established in 1968 by a small group of higher education
leaders who recognized
that poverty and language barriers, among
other factors, were
preventing Hispanics from reaching their full
academic potential.
Because of HACU's exemplary leadership on
behalf of the nation's
youngest and fastest-growing population,
the Association rapidly grew in
numbers and national impact.
Today, HACU - a non-profit, tax exempt 501(c) (3) organization
represents more than 280 colleges and universities committed to
higher education success in the U.S., Puerto Rico, Latin
America and
Spain. Although our member institutions in the U.S.,
represent less than
7% of all higher education institutions nationwide,
together they are
home to more than two-thirds of all Hispanic College
Students. HACU is
the only national educational association that re-
Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs). To know more about
HACU connect to
the link
Institute of Educational Leadership (IEL), Inc:

The Institute of Educational Leadership's (IEL) mission is to im-
education -- and the lives of children and their families --
positive and visionary change. Every day, we face the
challenge by
bringing together diverse constituencies and empo-
wering leaders with
knowledge and applicable ideas. This is why
foundations, corporations
and generous individuals support our
work, and why our teams often
include the most innovative federal,
state and local government agencies
and many of the nation's leading
nonprofit organizations. We invite you
to explore our site and learn
more about IEL's organization, people,
programs and publications.
Our website address is
Intercultural Development Research Association (IDRA):

IDRA is an independent, non-profit organization that advocates the
right for every child to a quality education. For more than 20 years,
IDRA has worked for excellence and equity in education in Texas
across the United States. IDRA conducts research and deve-
activities; creates, implements and administers innovative
programs; and provides teacher, administrator, and parent
training and
technical assistance. To learn more about IDRA logon to
the website
League of United Latin
American Citizens (LULAC):

The Mission of the League of United Latin American Citizens is to
advance the economic condition, educational attainment, political
influence, health and civil rights of the Hispanic population of the
United States. To learn more about LULAC connect to the link
Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF):

Founded in 1968 in San Antonio, Texas, the
Mexican American
Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF) is the
nonprofit Latino litigation, advocacy and educational outreach
institution in the United States.
mission is to foster sound public policies, laws and
programs to
safeguard the civil rights of the 35 million Latinos
living in the
United States and to empower the Latino community
to full participate in
our society.
MALDEF achieves its mission by concentrating its
efforts on the
following areas:
- employment
- education
- immigration
- political
- language
- public resource equity issues
MALDEF achieves its objectives through advocacy,
education, collaboration with other groups and individuals,
awarding of higher
education scholarships in law and commu-
nications, and, when
necessary, through the legal system. To learn
more about MALDEF, link to
National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials

The National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials
(NALEO) Educational Fund was established in 1981 to promote
participation of Latinos in the nation's civic life. The NALEO Ed.
carries out this mission by developing and implementing programs
promote the integration of Latino immigrants into American society,
developing future leaders among Latino youth, providing assistance and
training to the nation's Latino elected and appointed officials; and by
conducting research on issues important to the Latino population.
learn more about NALEO connect to the link
National Association of Hispanic Journalists (NAHJ):

The National Association of Hispanic
Journalists (NAHJ) is dedicated
to the recognition and professional
advancement of Hispanics in the
news industry. Established in 1984, NAHJ created a national voice
and unified vision for all Hispanic
journalists. NAHJ is governed by a
16-member board
of directors that consists of executive officers and
directors who represent geographic areas of the United States
and the
Caribbean. The national office is located in the National Press
in Washington, D.C.NAHJ has approximately
1,500 members,
including working journalists, journalism students, other
professionals and academic scholars. To learn more about
NAHJ, link
to the web page
National Council of La Raza

The National Council of La Raza
(NCLR) is a private, nonprofit, non-
partisan, tax-exempt organization
established in 1968 to reduce poverty
and discrimination, and improve
life opportunities, for Hispanic Americans.
NCLR has chosen to work
toward this goal through two primary, com-
plementary approaches:
- Capacity-building assistance to support and
strengthen Hispanic
community-based organizations: providing
organizational assistance
in management, governance, program
operations, and resource
development to Hispanic community-based
organizations in urban
and rural areas nationwide, especially those
which serve low-income
and disadvantaged Hispanics.
- Applied research, policy analysis, and
advocacy: providing a
Hispanic perspective on issues such as
education, immigration,
housing, health, employment and training,
and civil rights enforce-
ment, to increase policy-maker and public
understanding of
Hispanic needs, and to encourage the adoption of
programs and
policies which equitably serve Hispanics.
NCLR strengthens these efforts with public
information and
media activities and special and international projects.
include innovative projects, catalytic efforts, formation of and
participation in coalitions, and other special activities which use
NCLR structure and credibility to create other entities or
which are important to the Hispanic community, and
can sometimes be
"spun off" as independent entities.
NCLR is the largest constituency-based national
Hispanic organi-
zation, serving all Hispanic nationality groups in all
regions of the
country. To learn more about NCLR, link to
Texas Association of
Chicanos in Higher Education (TACHE):

The Texas Association of Chicanos in Higher Education is a
professional association committed to the improvement of
educational and
employment opportunities for Hispanics in higher
education. The purpose
of the Association shall be to provide a
forum for the discussion of
issues related to Chicanos in higher
education and to cooperate in
providing workable solutions in
these issues.
- Educational Advocacy.
- Networking.
- Recruitment/Retention.
- Cultural Promotion.
To Learn more about TACHE, logon to the website
Western Interstate Commission For Higher Education (WICHE):

The Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education is a
organization created by the Western Regional Education
Compact, adopted
in the 1950s by Western states. WICHE is
an interstate compact created
by formal legislative action of the
states and the U.S. Congress.
Fifteen states are members of
WICHE began operations in 1953 in Eugene, Oregon, moving to its
present location in Boulder, Colorado in 1955. WICHE is governed
three gubernatorally-appointed Commissioners from each state.
terms of the Compact, each state commits to support WICHE's
operations through annual dues established by the full Commission.
WICHE was created to facilitate resource sharing among the higher
education systems of the West. It has implemented a number of
activities to accomplish its objectives. To learn more about
connect to the link
Willie Velasquez Institute (WCVI):

For information about WCVI link to
Consortium Universities:
University of California, Riverside. (The
School of Education).