Where We've Been . . .
Late 1970's PRD begins scheduling machine readable records (MRR)
1983 MRR Taskforce
1984 - Kentucky Information Systems Commission (KISC)
1985 NHPRC Machine Readable Records Grant
PRD staff began look at the MRR being produced by state agencies. Due to lack of expertise, largely relied on agency EDP personnel for appraisal decisions.
Legislative Research Commission began studying the problems with disparate databases and systems NOT being able to talk to each other.
A couple of the major systems in play were for researching KRS
Began development and use of its own system KY Guide Database for bibliographic and indexing of state publications
The State Archives and Records Commission formed the Machine Readable Records Taskforce
SARC members, PRD staff, DIS, LRC, and members of some agencies using MRR systems
Formed to study the problems associated with identification, retention, preservation, and accessibility of MRR
At the same the state Legislature formed a Special Sub-Committee on the Statewide Information System in the 1984 Legislative Session
Formed 1n 1977 to explore the feasibility of Statewide systems that would be better able to share information
Organized KISC Began requiring agencies to provide detail Information Resource Plans for new electronic systems.
KISC would review and approve.
Lew Bellardo was appointed to the committee
As these 2 groups began working together, the decision was made by PRD to apply for a grant to develop a MRR program.