gI keep everything.h
gI tend to be a packrat.h
gBasically everything gets kept, people tend to lose things and want it sent to them again.h
gLab things – that have to do with data – I try to hold on to that sort of thing.h
gI do keep all correspondence related to grants and funding c student correspondence.h
gSometimes I have a bad habit of skimming the top part and not reading the rest and just deleting it.h
Quotes re: Appraisal
As you can see by these selected quotations from the interviews (and again, these are faculty engaged in research), people admit to being packrats, say that they keep everything because others lose things and need to have them re-sent, are aware that they need to keep their lab data, and correspondence regarding grants and funding. I particularly like this last one "Sometimes I have a bad habit of skimming the top part and not reading the rest and just deleting it." These are busy, busy people who don't have a lot of time to spend on managing email!