Arizona State University College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
chicana and chicano health studiesLatino Health Issues

Stuttering and the Bilingual Latino Child

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Basic Information

Teacher and Child

Stuttering can occur in many young children between the ages of 2-5. It is considered a problem that affects the flow of your speech which is also known as a dysfluency. A dysfluency is when a child repeats certain syllables, words or phrases, prolonging, stopping or making no sound for certain sounds and syllables.

In most cases, stuttering usually disappears by the age of 5 but for others it can last much longer.

What Causes Stuttering?
There is no known cause for stuttering.

However, a variety of factors can contribute to stuttering:

Genetics: It is believed that genetics play a role in increasing a child’s risk for developing this communication problem. Studies estimate that 60% of those who stutter have a close family member who has also struggled with stuttering.

Developmental Delays: Certain developmental delays, such as autism, down syndrome, etc. can contribute and lead to stuttering.

Processing of Language: People who stutter are found to process language differently in their brain than people who do not stutter. This can possibly cause problems in the way the brain messages are sent to the muscles and body parts needed for speaking.


Accessibility | Privacy | ASU Disclaimer This site was created by Raeannon Murrieta in fulfillment of requirements for the course TCL 323 : Latino Health Issues taught by Dr. Szkupinski Quiroga at Arizona State University, Fall 2009.