Arizona State University College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

High Blood Pressure: Prevention is key

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Mexican-Americans are less likely to participate in physically demanding activity on a regular basis (2). This means they are more likely to be overweight, putting them at greater risk for high blood pressure. Solving this problem in your life does not have to be as scary as it seems. Start small. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Go for a walk around the park. Play basketball with a child. Wash your car yourself.

They are also less likely to have insurance (2). Insurance prevents people from seeing doctors when they need to. There is no way they would see a doctor when there appears to be no problem. Luckily, a high blood pressure diagnosis may not need any prescription medication. Sometimes, all you need to do is change some habits. ¡Tenga control de su hipertensión! If you do end up needing medication, the investment is worth it. Heart disease will cost you more later.

Among those with just as much knowledge about preventative measures as far as heart attacks are concerned, Mexican-Americans are less likely to do anything about it (2). This is because there are no symptoms to high blood pressure. It can go unnoticed until something more serious happens as a result of it. Regular testing can help prevent this from happening. It is also important to follow up on medications for as long as a doctor recommends. Since having high blood pressure does not mean you feel ill, you cannot tell when it is back to normal based on how you feel.

Although this area has not been extensively researched, it is estimated that the Mexican culture plays a role in keeping the rates of high blood pressure among Hispanics low. Support systems can help counterbalance the stress of living in the city (3). Many Mexican immigrants experience culture shock from living in a new environment. It can be hard to adjust. Stress can lead to high blood pressure, especially for those already at risk. Not going through it alone can relieve some of this stress. If you know someone going through a major life change, or you yourself are, make sure that there is someone to talk to.

Drinking alcohol on a regular basis (1 or 2 drinks a day) can lead to high blood pressure (2). Reducing how much alcohol you drink will reduce your risk. Try drinking less per day, or not as many times per week.


Running is a good way to get a nice cardio work out (7).

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Accessibility | Privacy | ASU Disclaimer This site was created by Crystal Robeson in fulfillment of requirements for the course TCL 323 : Latino Health Issues taught by Dr. Szkupinski Quiroga at Arizona State University, Fall 2009.