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Ambasciata d'Italia a Washington

Consolato Generale d'Italia a Los Angeles

Governo italiano

I Servizi della Pubblica Amministrazione in Italia



Garzanti Linguistica

Hoepli dizionario online




Non solo lingua

Cyber Italian - Alphabet and Pronunciation

Italian Pronunciation Guide

Cento Studi Italiani

Learn Italian Online: Italian Grammar

BBC - Italian

Corsi multimediali

Corso d'italiano

Corso di lingua (Italica)

Dentro l'italiano


Io parlo italiano

Italian language course for the internet mainframe


Italian proverbs - proverbs and English equivalents.

Fieri Boston - Italian Language and Dialects - this site offer two pages of proverbs: Italian Proverbs and Idioms and Neapolitan Proverbs and Idioms .

Romantic Italian Proverbs

Metafore animali - Qui di seguito diamo un elenco di espressioni che usano gli animali in senso metaforico.

Proverbi celebri italiani e toscani - the book of Italian proverbs - a large collection of proverbs in Italian only with fairly lengthy notes explaining the meaning ,cultural and historical background.

Sicilian Proverbs translated into English by Arthur V. Dieli - this section offers hundreds of alphabetically listed proverbs in Sicilian with the English translation.

The Sicilian Dialect & Language: - Proverbs . - small collection of proverbs.

Proverbs Vincenza - Italian and English proverbs which have been gathered by a senior group in Vincenza.

Detti e proverbi ascolani - over 50 sayings and proverbs.

Proverbi in italiano - a large list of proverbs by alphabetical order in Italian only.

Centro Studi Italiani - The Italian Electronic Classroom - Formule (Idiomatic Expressions)



Biblioteca Italiana

Italian Hand Gestures

www.italianculture.net Tutto sulla cultura italiana : Arte italiana - Design italiano - Moda italiana - Cinema italiano - Cucina italiana - Vini italiani - Giornali italiani - Letteratura italiana - Musei italiani - Musica italiana - Opera italiana - Teatro italiano - Lingua italiana - Esercitazioni d'italiano - Vacanze in Italia .

VoS - Voice of the Shuttle - Italian Literature - links to online resources under the following headings:

Contemporary Italian Poetry

Italian Poetry - Poesia Italiana

Italian Dialect Poetry


Italian American Museum

Italiamerica Italian American Cultural Organization


Italian Foreign Language News and Newspapers Publication

Italian Newspapers - Giornali Italiani


Radio Italia - Sito ufficiale di Radio Italia Solo Musica Italiana.

Italian Online News & Radio Stations

Live Online Italian Radio Stations - Radio of Italy by Region


Neapolitan Music of Yesterday and of Today - sound files and texts for over 30 songs.

California Gold: Northern California Folk Music from the Thirties - audio files of 39 Italian songs.

Italian Songs and Rhymes - lyrics of songs in Italian with translations for many of these in several languages.

Lyrics of Songs - songs listed by singers' names and by titles of songs .

Italian songs at ingeb.org - Lyrics of songs listed alphabetically.

TuttoTesti - Testi Italiani - La Musica Nelle Parole - listing of Italian artists with the lyrics of songs for many of them.

Galleria della canzone by Sugar - lyrics of texts are provided in alphabetical listings and by decades as well as biographies of artists and composers, photographs and historical background articles.

MUSICA - L' arte della musica - Strumenti e compositori - Images and short historical background and descriptions of some musical instruments.

MusicaItaliana.com - Music entertainment news, artist biographies and discographies, concert listings...






Juliann Vitullo
Arizona State University
Tempe, AZ 85287-0202
T: (480) 965-4624
F: (480) 965-0135

Chiara Dal Martello
Arizona State University
Tempe, AZ 85287-0202
T: (480) 965-4563
F: (480) 965-8317

Donatella Melucci
Arizona State University
Tempe, AZ 85287-0202
T: (480) 965-6919
F: (480) 965-8317