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Miguel Méndez, translated by David William FosterThis English translation of Entre letras y ladrillos, an autobiographical novel written in the best of Miguel Méndez's baroque and conceptually intense style, evokes one of the most remarkable life histories of this century. Using his own "status as a Mexican Indian, wetback, and Chicano" as a yardstick, he takes us on a personal and collective voyage that culminates on a remarkable day in 1986 when he exchanged his job of full-time construction worker for that of full professor at the University of Arizona. Miguel Méndez was born in Bisbee, Arizona, in 1930. His works include Los criaderos humanos (poetry, 1975), Cuentos para niños traviesos (1979), El Sueño de Santa María de las Piedras (novel, 1986), De la vida y del folclore de la frontera (1986), Que no mueran los sueños (short stories, 1991, winner of the José Fuentes Mares National Literature Prize in Mexico), Peregrinos de Aztlán (4th edition, 1991, Bilingual Press), and Los muertos también cuentan (novel, 1995). Miguel Méndez represents a unique talent. Keep on writing, Miguel, because all of us Chicanos need your thoughts and talent." - Tomás Rivera (in 1974), author of . . . y no se lo tragó la tierra |