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>>Bilingual Review/Press—Submission Guidelines


I. The Bilingual Review (journal)

Description: Scholarly/literary journal focusing on the linguistics and literature of bilingualism and bilingual education. Publishes scholarly articles, literary criticism, and book reviews as well as creative literature: poetry, short stories, essays, and short theater. Accepts material in English or Spanish. Publishes original work only—no previously published work. U.S. Hispanic themes only. Response time to submission is 2-3 months.

Publisher: Gary Francisco Keller.

How to Contact:
Unsolicited manuscripts are welcome. Send two copies of complete manuscript with self-addressed envelope and loose stamps. We will publish manuscripts consistently styled according to either humanities or social sciences formats. Manuscripts should be double-spaced throughout (including notes and/or references). Electronic submission is not acceptable (very rarely and through prior arrangement we will accept an electronic submission sent from outside of the United States for very compelling reasons).

Terms: Acquires all rights (50% of reprint permission fees given to author as matter of policy). Contributor receives two complimentary copies. 30% discount for extras.

Please Note: We do not publish literature about tourists in Latin America and their perceptions of the "native culture." We do not publish fiction about Latin America unless there is a clear tie to the United States.


II. Book-length Manuscript

Description: The Bilingual Review/Press publishes hardcover and paperback originals and reprints on U.S. Hispanic themes, including creative literature (novels, short story collections, poetry, drama, translations), scholarly monographs and edited compilations, and other nonfiction. We are always on the lookout for Chicano, Puerto Rican, Cuban American, or other U.S. Hispanic themes with strong and serious literary qualities and distinctive and intellectually important topics.

Publisher: Gary Francisco Keller.

How to Contact: Send query letter first and include self-addressed, stamped envelope. Do not send complete manuscript until requested. Query letter should describe the book and, as appropriate, give a plot summary or table of contents, sample chapter or sample poems, and any other information relevant to the rationale, content, audience, etc., for the book. Also include a brief resume or vita of the author. Response time is 3-4 weeks for queries, 3-4 months for manuscripts. Simultaneous and photocopied submissions are OK. Electronic submission is not acceptable.

Terms: Creative literature and general nonfiction books pay 10% royalties, with an advance on royalties of $500-$1000 (average) and 10 complimentary copies of the book. For scholarly titles payment is generally in copies.

Note: Writers should take the utmost care in assuring that their manuscripts are clean, grammatically impeccable, and have perfect spelling. This is true not only of the English but the Spanish as well. All accent and other diacritical marks need to be in place. We are interested in publishing creative literature that treats the U.S. Hispanic experience in a distinctive, creative, revealing way. The kinds of books that we publish we keep in print for a very long time irrespective of sales. We are busy establishing and preserving a U.S. Hispanic canon of creative literature.

III. Address for Submissions

Gary Francisco Keller, Publisher
Bilingual Review/Press
Hispanic Research Center
Arizona State University
PO Box 875303
Tempe, AZ 85287-5303


This project is supported in part by a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts.