American Association for the Advancement of Science Fellows
The American Association for the Advancement of Science was founded in 1848 to "advance engineering and innovation throughout the world for the benefit of all people." It is the world's largest multidisciplinary scientific society. AAAS Fellows are a distinguished cadre of scientists, engineers and innovators who have been recognized for their achievements. Fellows are elected by the AAAS Council and election as an AAAS Fellow is a lifetime honor. All fellows are expected to meet the commonly held standards of professional ethics and scientific integrity. All ASU faculty listed below are current members of AAAS, unless otherwise indicated as:
Faculty | Year |
Metin Akay The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Former Historic listing, not current AAAS member, Received while at ASU |
2009 |
Braden Allenby Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering Historic listing, not current AAAS member |
2008 |
Ronald H. Alvarado The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Deceased Received while at ASU |
1980 |
Ross Andel Edson College of Nursing and Health Innovation |
2022 |
Charles J. Arntzen The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Emeritus |
1994 |
John N. Aronson The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Former Historic listing, not current AAAS member, Received while at ASU |
Dale Baker Mary Lou Fulton College for Teaching and Learning Innovation Emeritus |
2004 |
Virgil Baker The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Former Historic listing, not current AAAS member |
1956 |
Joseph A. Barkson Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering Deceased Historic listing, not current AAAS member |
1961 |
Thomas W. Barrett The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Deceased Received while at ASU |
1961 |
Michael Barton The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences |
2019 |
Gordon Bender The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Deceased Received while at ASU |
1954 |
Neil Berman Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering Emeritus Historic listing, not current AAAS member |
1987 |
Bianca Bernstein College of Integrative Sciences and Arts Emeritus |
2014 |
Eldridge M. Bertke The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Former Historic listing, not current AAAS member, Received while at ASU |
1964 |
Robert Blankenship The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Emeritus |
2004 |
Barry Bozeman Watts College of Public Service and Community Solutions |
2005 |
Anthony Brazel The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Emeritus |
1997 |
Alexandra Brewis Slade The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences |
2017 |
Duane Brown The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Deceased Received while at ASU |
1954 |
Theodore Brown The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Deceased Historic listing, not current AAAS member |
1966 |
Sara Brownell The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences |
2022 |
Aaron Brownstein The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Former Historic listing, not current AAAS member, Received while at ASU |
1968 |
Jane Buikstra The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences |
1985 |
Edward Burgoyne The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Deceased Received while at ASU |
1954 |
William Burke The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Emeritus Historic listing, not current AAAS member |
1966 |
Peter R. Buseck The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Emeritus |
1967 |
Craig Calhoun The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences |
2008 |
James Canright The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Emeritus Historic listing, not current AAAS member |
1966 |
Carlos Castillo-Chavez The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Emeritus Historic listing, not current AAAS member, Received while at ASU |
Gordon Castle The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Historic listing, not current AAAS member |
1965 |
Mont Cazier The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Emeritus Historic listing, not current AAAS member |
1967 |
Krishnendu Chakrabarty Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering |
2018 |
MaryLou Cheal The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Deceased Historic listing, not current AAAS member |
1987 |
Julian Chen The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences |
2019 |
Kathleen Church The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Emeritus Historic listing, not current AAAS member, Received while at ASU |
1988 |
Geoffrey Clark The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Emeritus |
1972 |
Ronald Clothier The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Deceased Received while at ASU |
1962 |
James P. Collins The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences |
1987 |
Robert M. Cook-Deegan College of Global Futures |
1989 |
Harold W. Coppock The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Former Historic listing, not current AAAS member, Received while at ASU |
Richard Creath The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences |
2008 |
Michael M. Crow Watts College of Public Service and Community Solutions |
2013 |
Maria Cruz-Torres The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences |
2017 |
Roy Curtiss III The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Emeritus |
1990 |
Winifred Doane The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Deceased Received while at ASU |
1963 |
William Dorson Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering Deceased Received while at ASU |
1972 |
G. Homer Durham The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Deceased Received while at ASU |
1966 |
William Ehmann The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Former Historic listing, not current AAAS member, Received while at ASU |
1969 |
James Elser The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences |
2008 |
LeRoy Eyring The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Deceased Received while at ASU |
1964 |
Jonathan Fink College of Global Futures The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Emeritus |
2004 |
M. Fouquette The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Deceased Received while at ASU |
1972 |
Sybil Francis College of Global Futures |
2017 |
Janet Franklin The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Former Historic listing, not current AAAS member, Received while at ASU |
Leah Gerber The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences |
2020 |
Charles David Gersten The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Deceased Received while at ASU |
1967 |
Patricia Gober The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Emeritus |
2008 |
Israel L. Goldiamond The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Deceased Received while at ASU |
1963 |
Stephen Goodnick Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering |
2022 |
Ben Gossick The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Deceased Historic listing, not current AAAS member |
1961 |
Ronald Greeley The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Deceased Received while at ASU |
2007 |
Robert Greenes Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering College of Health Solutions Emeritus Historic listing, not current AAAS member |
1965 |
Nancy Grimm The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences |
2008 |
Devens Gust The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Emeritus |
2007 |
Carl Gustavson The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Deceased Received while at ASU |
1994 |
David Guston College of Global Futures |
2002 |
Michael Harner The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Deceased Received while at ASU |
1960 |
Rodney Harrington The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Emeritus Historic listing, not current AAAS member, Received while at ASU |
1999 |
Jon Harrison The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Historic listing, not current AAAS member |
2005 |
Sidney Hecht The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences |
2003 |
Timothy Heckman The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences |
2020 |
Robert Heimann The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Deceased Received while at ASU |
1953 |
Josephy Herkert Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering Emeritus Historic listing, not current AAAS member, Received while at ASU |
2013 |
Katie Hinde The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences |
2022 |
Kip Hodges The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences |
2021 |
Bert Höelldobler The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Emeritus |
1974 |
Jonas Hoover Deceased Historic listing, not current AAAS member |
1931 |
Frank Hoppensteadt The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Historic listing, not current AAAS member, Received while at ASU |
2002 |
Bert Jacobs The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences |
2018 |
Jeffrey Hazel The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Emeritus Historic listing, not current AAAS member, Received while at ASU |
1984 |
Roy M. Johnson The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Deceased Received while at ASU |
1961 |
Hudson Jost The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Deceased Received while at ASU |
1961 |
Subbarao Kambhampati Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering |
2017 |
William Kaufmann W. P. Carey School of Business Emeritus Historic listing, not current AAAS member, Received while at ASU |
1972 |
Thomas Kennedy The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Deceased Received while at ASU |
1972 |
Robert Kersten Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering Former Historic listing, not current AAAS member, Received while at ASU |
1967 |
William Kimbel The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Deceased Historic listing, not current AAAS member |
2005 |
Jack Kinsinger The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Deceased Received while at ASU |
1984 |
Ann Kinzig The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences |
2007 |
Norbert Konzal The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Deceased Historic listing, not current AAAS member |
1966 |
David Krinsley The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Deceased Received while at ASU |
1978 |
Sudhir Kumar The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Former Historic listing, not current AAAS member, Received while at ASU |
2008 |
Ying-Cheng Lai Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering |
2020 |
Upmanu Lall College of Global Futures |
2018 |
Asheley Landrum Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication Fellow |
2022 |
John Larimer The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Emeritus Historic listing, not current AAAS member, Received while at ASU |
1977 |
Manfred Laubichler The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences |
2009 |
Chester Leathers The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Emeritus Historic listing, not current AAAS member, Received while at ASU |
1962 |
Richard Lerman The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences |
2005 |
Rachel Levinson College of Global Futures Historic listing, not current AAAS member, Received while at ASU |
2005 |
Harris Lewin College of Global Futures |
2004 |
Jerry Lin Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering |
2009 |
Stuart M. Lindsay The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Historic listing, not current AAAS member |
2003 |
Huan Liu Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering |
2018 |
Timothy Long The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences |
2015 |
Wayne W. Luchsinger The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Deceased Received while at ASU |
1966 |
Julie Luft Mary Lou Fulton College for Teaching and Learning Innovation Former Historic listing, not current AAAS member, Received while at ASU |
2009 |
Robert Lundin The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Emeritus Historic listing, not current AAAS member, Received while at ASU |
1967 |
Michael Lynch The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences |
1998 |
Jane Maienschein The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences |
1996 |
Gary Marchant The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law |
2019 |
Emilia Martinez-Brawley Watts College of Public Service and Community Solutions |
2019 |
Emília Martins The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Former Historic listing, not current AAAS member, Received while at ASU |
2019 |
Mary Marzke The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Deceased Received while at ASU |
1992 |
Andrew Maynard College of Global Futures |
2020 |
James McCleary The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Historic listing, not current AAAS member |
1953 |
John McCutcheon The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences |
2020 |
Arnold G. Meister The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Deceased Received while at ASU |
1961 |
Deirdre R. Meldrum Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering |
2003 |
Paul T. Miller The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Historic listing, not current AAAS member, Received while at ASU |
1953 |
Warren E. Miller The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Deceased Received while at ASU |
1984 |
Donald Mills The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Historic listing, not current AAAS member, Received while at ASU |
1959 |
O. B. Moan Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Deceased Received while at ASU |
1965 |
Carleton Bryant Moore The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Deceased Historic listing, not current AAAS member |
1966 |
Thomas Moore The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Historic listing, not current AAAS member |
2008 |
Sally C. Morton The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences College of Health Solutions |
2005 |
Kenneth Mossman The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Deceased Received while at ASU |
2001 |
Morton E. Munk The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Emeritus Historic listing, not current AAAS member, Received while at ASU |
1966 |
Margaret Nelson The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Emeritus |
2006 |
Evar Nering The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Deceased Received while at ASU |
1966 |
Randolph Nesse The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences |
2017 |
Steven Neuberg The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences |
2020 |
Stuart Newfeld The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences |
2012 |
Elinor Ostrom The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Deceased Historic listing, not current AAAS member |
2001 |
Robert Page The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Emeritus |
1992 |
Sethuraman (Panch) Panchanathan Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering College of Global Futures Historic listing, not current AAAS member, Received while at ASU |
2017 |
Diane Pataki College of Global Futures |
2021 |
Duncan Patten The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Emeritus Historic listing, not current AAAS member, Received while at ASU |
1979 |
Robert A. Patterson The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Deceased Received while at ASU |
1961 |
Charles Perrings The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences |
2019 |
Stephanie Pfirman College of Global Futures |
2009 |
Donald J. Pinkava The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Deceased Received while at ASU |
1967 |
Stephen Pyne The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Emeritus Historic listing, not current AAAS member, Received while at ASU |
2000 |
Tijana Rajh The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences |
2013 |
Kaye E. Reed The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences |
2023 |
Henry C. Reeves The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Emeritus Historic listing, not current AAAS member, Received while at ASU |
1972 |
George Renner The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Historic listing, not current AAAS member, Received while at ASU |
1961 |
Bruce Rittman Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering |
2004 |
Osvaldo Sala College of Global Futures The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences |
2009 |
Robert Sanderson The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Historic listing, not current AAAS member, Received while at ASU |
1966 |
Daniel Sarewitz College of Global Futures Emeritus |
2006 |
Peter Schlosser The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences |
2010 |
Jean Schmidt The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Deceased Received while at ASU |
1972 |
Gary Schwartz The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences |
2016 |
J. Sherman The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Historic listing, not current AAAS member, Received while at ASU |
1967 |
Donald Siegel Watts College of Public Service and Community Solutions |
2022 |
Joan B. Silk The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences |
2022 |
Brian Smith The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences |
2002 |
Hal Smith The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Emeritus |
2018 |
Michael Smith The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences |
2017 |
Ernest Snyder The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Emeritus Historic listing, not current AAAS member, Received while at ASU |
1968 |
John C. H. Spence The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Deceased Received while at ASU |
2008 |
Arthur Staats The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Deceased Received while at ASU |
1961 |
Herbert Stahnke The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Deceased Received while at ASU |
1952 |
Barbara Stark The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Emeritus |
1994 |
Sarah T. Stewart The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences |
2019 |
Anne C. Stone The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences |
2010 |
Irving W. Stout Mary Lou Fulton College for Teaching and Learning Innovation Historic listing, not current AAAS member, Received while at ASU |
1959 |
Denise Su The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences |
2020 |
Nongjian Tao Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering Deceased Historic listing, not current AAAS member |
2010 |
Anne Tsui W. P. Carey School of Business Emeritus |
2022 |
B. L. Turner II The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences |
2002 |
Christy G. Turner II The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Deceased Received while at ASU |
1982 |
William Uttal Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering Emeritus Historic listing, not current AAAS member |
1975 |
Sander van der Leeuw The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences |
2019 |
Carlos G. Vélez-Ibáñez The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences |
1996 |
Willem Vermaas The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences |
2009 |
Enrique R. Vivoni The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering |
2021 |
Alan T. Wager The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Deceased Received while at ASU |
1953 |
Dean Watt The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences |
1961 |
Thomas M. Weiss The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Historic listing, not current AAAS member, Received while at ASU |
1960 |
H. William Welch Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering Deceased Received while at ASU |
1978 |
Harry B. Whitehurst The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences 1966 Deceased Received while at ASU |
Ilga Winicov The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Emeritus Historic listing, not current AAAS member, Received while at ASU |
2003 |
Charles M. Woolf The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Deceased Received while at ASU |
Richard Work The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Historic listing, not current AAAS member |
1972 |
Jianguo Wu The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences |
2007 |
Jianguo Wu The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences International Scientific Cooperation Award |
2006 |
William Wunch The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Historic listing, not current AAAS member, Received while at ASU |
1962 |
Amber Wutich The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences |
2022 |
Hao Yan The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Barrett, The Honors College |
2019 |
Sik-Sang (Stephen) Yau Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering |
1983 |
William Yost The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences |
1995 |
George Yuen The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Deceased Received while at ASU |
1961 |
Bertram Zaslow The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Deceased Received while at ASU |
1961 |