Who coordinates the review process?
The University Provost has designated the Executive Director for Accreditation and Academic Program Review as the Center and Institute Review Officer (CRO). The CRO coordinates the review process with the dean(s) or vice-president and maintains the university review calendar.
What is the purpose of the center or institute review?
The purpose of center/institute review is to assess the unit’s viability, quality and progress. The review is also designed to facilitate strategic planning. A review of each university center or institute is required at least every seven years. A dean, vice-president or the University Provost may request an early review of a center or institute at any time within the university review calendar.
Where do I begin?
The CRO provides the dean(s) or vice-president with a list of centers and institutes under his/her area of responsibility that are scheduled for review in the upcoming year. The CRO discusses goals and expected outcomes of the review process with the dean(s) or vice-president. Each center/institute is notified of the upcoming review, reporting requirements and a deadline for report submission.
Are there guidelines for the review?
Please see the review guidelines and self-study report instructions (and form) for complete information about the review process.