arizona state university  
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span strives to provide events through the school year which provide networking opportunities. span is operated by current graduate student volunteering their time to enhance the educational, social, community and career experiences of spa students.

listed below are possible ways students can become involved with span. if interested in learning more about span and how you can get involved, contact danielle chandler at

alumni relations

help span locate spa alumni

develop opportunities for current students to interact with spa alumni

work with the spa alumni association to create a bridge between current student and alumni

encourage alumni to submit articles highlighting important issues to public sector practitioners to perspectives in public affairs


help build awareness of span among the school of public affairs, the university and the community

promote span events

help publicize perspectives in public affairs to increase article submissions to the journal


assist span with coordinating activities for span events such as career development workshops, community service events and social events

develop ideas for future span events


assist vp of finance in determining financial needs for span events

identify possible funding sources for span events

help carry out activities related to securing funding for span

professional day committee

help coordinate the activities/logistics of sponsoring this annual event

locate speakers and topics of interest to the student body

work with alumni, spa professors and the community at large to build professional day into a community-wide event highlighting the public sector and the school of public affairs

promote the event

perspectives in public affairs (pipa)

serve as an editorial board member to review and select articles for current issue of perspectives in public affairs

assist pipa staff with journal operations including technical, marketing, financial, and design functions of the journal

encourage spa students and alumni to submit articles for possible publication to perspectives

promote current issues of the journal as issues are published

see the journal page at for complete information about perspectives


the students of public affairs network - c/o school of public affairs arizona state university - 411 north central avenue, suite 450 phoenix, az 85004-0687



school of public affairs
advancing excellence in governance by creating, sharing, and applying knowledge of public administration and public policy

american society for public administration
advancing excellence in public service

graduate and professional student association

division of graduate studies