Research and innovation at ASU

The ASU Knowledge Enterprise advances research, innovation, strategic partnerships, entrepreneurship and economic development.

Revolutionizing the
research enterprise

The challenges that humanity faces — from health care to cybersecurity to affordable energy — are complex and interconnected. Solving these challenges demands the creativity and commitment of many minds from many fields. Arizona State University connects those minds in an ecosystem where creative ideas thrive. We believe a research university is a knowledge enterprise — our business is creating and sharing new knowledge to provide value to our communities. This belief fuels everything we do.

Academic silos no longer serve. At ASU, we have reshaped the very structure of the university, centering our academic units and research institutes around grand challenges. We have woven an entrepreneurial mindset into the fabric of our institution, empowering our students, faculty and staff to test and launch their innovative ideas. We build the right teams to accomplish our goals, regardless of disciplinary or organizational boundaries. Together with our partners from industry, nonprofits, government and academia, we have undertaken an audacious mission — assuming fundamental responsibility for the economic, social, cultural and overall health of the communities we serve.

Be a part of ASU research

We invite students, faculty, staff, alumni, businesses and community members to join us in advancing discovery and innovation. 

Featured projects

Solutions in the desert

ASU will lead the Southwest Sustainability Innovation Engine, an NSF-funded initiative that will focus on ways to confront challenges facing the desert Southwest and spur economic development in the region.

A powerful technology hub

The ASU-led Southwest Advanced Prototyping Hub aims to protect national security by accelerating the production of key semiconductor technologies and training the necessary workforce.

Living in harmony

Building on the accomplishments of ASU’s Sanford Harmony Program, the T. Denny Sanford Harmony Institute fosters development of new solutions and expands effective programs that support children’s relationships and well-being. 

Research growth and impact

ASU is one of the fastest-growing research enterprises in the United States, more than doubling its research expenditures over the last ten years. The university continually climbs in rankings from the National Science Foundation Higher Education Research and Development (HERD) Survey, which measures research expenditures across disciplines and funding sources. ASU currently ranks No. 5 in the U.S. for total research expenditures among institutions without a medical school. Additionally, ASU is a leader in bringing innovations to market, ranking No. 9 among universities worldwide for U.S. patents issued.


$904M in research expenditures in fiscal year 2023


No. 1 for non science and engineering expenditures (NSF HERD Survey 2023) 


No. 1 for anthropology research expenditures (NSF HERD Survey 2023)


No. 2 for education research expenditures (NSF HERD Survey 2023)


Core Research Facilities

ASU Core Research Facilities empower the achievement of goals for researchers, businesses and industry leaders by offering access to specialized equipment and the expertise of skilled scientists.

Learn more about the
Knowledge Enterprise