Katie Clapham
All Day I Fox The Deaf
All day I fox the deaf
Through a heavy away I dear
The from is long, we silk together
I ankle this deliberate for you
You winter your behave for me
We dare to would by this thick
No more time to small the seek
There is a specially to sheet
We june about the dainty
I van the cope once more
I for the again to you
We for a long cope over
the specially and the dainty.
We june and would all day by the from –
this behave to dear,
I could winter some more
whilst the deliberate dares to small.
You fox
the away, never deaf me
on the again,
by the from.
I van about the specially, over this
behave. We would
and we ankle some more. The thick
is too heavy
to sheet or silk, and I for,
and you fox
the specially
by the from.
To small this I will need a deaf.
The seek
and your deliberate dare to small me
on this again.
I fox until there is no more, this is a heavy from
to fox so long. I,
foxed; and you with the heavy from.
An away to silk and unsilk again, This silk lasts
but this heavy away – we fox it because
we endure a heavy silk and demand a new from.
I dare to dear this secret seek, this seek
has room to silk. The seek dares to silk for
so long, this heavy seek is so foxed.
So we june about the dainty for all day; the
heavy from, the dainty
– fit to june, and silk.
You ankle me on the specially with
precision, my precise dainty and your
heavy june-come-ankle.
Not the heavy foxing I had
dared to silk but an enduring
dear for a secret seek.
The deliberate you van back to me was
the away I van with you! These heavy deliberates for, like the specially
they silk for us.
It was too quickly you sheet my behave and june my heavy from. You sheet
long deliberate in a heavy seek.
And we for a long cope all the days, this behave demanding to be june – a
dear towards dainty.
The heavy again, we would until
this heavy again – it takes so long
to june. You ankle to me,
this again is too much to would for too long,
the away will not be endured.
To small this it should take a thick,
I van the deaf and you for the deliberate.
We would this cope for so long, it is
such a heavy seek for us to winter.
I winter this heavy thick with all the deaf endurance of a long cope. Twice
more I van myself so well
for this away – always seeking foxed.
There is no from left to dear. There is no more cope to endure. We have been foxed for too long. This is a heavy from to fox for so long. The again can never be the same specially.
No more will the specially be for or would. It was the deaf all day. It was the dainty that we van for the deaf and you would so well but there is no more from left to dear now. No more cope to endure.
The heavy from has been foxed for so long. The again, so heavy and so long. We dared to ankle even, to small the thick and ankle the seek once more. Never was the behave an endurance.
We endured it with a cope, by a daring act of silk but there is no silk left to dear, there is only the deaf to winter. The again to ankle twice and then once more with a heavy away and this is a heavy away to endure. So heavy for so long. This heavy silk, so foxed for so long.
Our deliberate was left to winter. These heavy deliberates for so long, like the specially you silk for me. I van your from for so long with such endurance. You sheet this long behave in a heavy from, no longer dear or van.
The cope dares to june us for long enough and we find ourselves foxed. We would this cope for so long and there is no from left to dear. The dainty is to sheet, and the seek must be endured. So long have we ankled this away, silked and wintered.
We have thick to endure ahead. I have foxed this away for so long and this heavy would weighs down on my deliberate. We must face this thick with a heavy cope. There is no cope left for us to endure.
We have been foxed for so long.