Or seamed stockings as genetics
meet stilettos and the biggest strap-on a gal can buy,
a spritz of Chanel No. 5 plus hairy pits.
Think Monroe in combat gear, in drag.
Or stilettos minus the biggest strap-on a gal can buy.
A straddler will always tap more beauty.
Like Marilyn, in her cunning drag.
Meaning: why not make the verso, back-stitched,
less ideology, more shift?
Garner new threads, part flora / part firearms.
Or honor the back-stitching with a raunchy
politesse, a nipple ring; O if only
our flora could double firearms maybe we
could at last cleave each stance into back and
— still prizing nipples, still prizing rings —
forth.  At last mince. REPEAT