Cecilia Vicuña Word & Thread
Word is thread and the thread is language. Non-linear body. A line associated to other lines. A word once written risks becoming linear, Vibratory forms in space and in time. Acts of union and separation. * The word is silence and sound. * The weaver sees her fiber as the poet see her word. The thread feels the hand, as the word feels the tounge. Structures of feeling in the double sense * Is the word the conducting thread, or does thread conduct the word- Both lead to the centre of memory, a way of uniting and connecting. A word carries another word as thread searches for thread. A word is pregnant with other words and a thread contains Metaphors in tension, the word and the thread carry us beyond * To speak is to thread and the thread weaves the world. * In the Andes, the language itself, Quechua, is a cord of twisted straw, To weave a design is pallay, to raise the fibers, to pick them up. To read in Latin is legere, to pick up. The weaver is both weaving and writing a text An ancient textile is an alphabet of knots, colors and directions Today the weaving no only "represent," they themselves are * Ponchos, llijllas, aksus, winchas, chuspas and chumpis are beings "The body given entirely to the function of signifying." A textile is "in the state of being textile": awaska. And one word, acnanacuna designates the clothing, the language * And the energy of the movement has a name and a direction: lluq'i, A direction is a meaning and the twisting of the thread The last two movements of a fiber should be in opposition: a fiber is made of two strands lluq'i and paña. A word is both root and suffix : two antithetical meanings in one. The word and the thread behave as processes in the cosmos. The process is a language and a woven design is a process re- "An axis of reflection," says Mary Frame: The twisted strands become serpents "Sprang is a weftless technique, a reciprocal action whereby the The fingers entering the weave produce in the fibres * The thread dies when it is released, but comes alive in the the tension gives it a heart. Soncco, is heart and guts, stomach and conscience, memory, The word and the thread are the heart of the community. In order to dream, the diviner sleeps on fabric made of wik'uña.