Geraldine Monk

Rough Notes for a Rough Shed



mudslinger – avaunt - !
a cusp
a shell of delicate creak
weary obligations are prayed upon
and preyed is always ever upon
under be-boughs
thuck-headers in a-mugger
come lately
shootings are not
funnily enough
stars any more
pools of red algae
upon a small pond

sickly fish
the meek
the weary
the weak
shall inherit
a pond



Working notes

Rough Notes For A Rough Shed is taken from my Limbo Lovelies. These are rough workings and drafts that never made it into the final version of a text (in this case Escafeld Hangings) not because I was dissatisfied with them but because they didn't fit into the overall scheme of the final version. Occasionally one of them is realised from Limbo. This is one such.

Table of Contents