Some thoughts on the shape of things. . .
Recently I had a poem returned from an east coast publication with a letter from an editorial staff member . . . a letter that left me feeling as though somewhere Emily Dickinson was sharing a sad chuckle. After saying she particularly liked my poem "Notes From a Suicide Not Committed,"*which she found to be "original and unsettling," she continued: "One visual aspect of 'Notes' that seemed to give readers difficulty was the use of slashes, especially at the beginning of the poem. I am, of course, telling you this for your information, not to encourage you to 'fix it.' "
The poem had been worked on over a period of time; the slashes persisted, they seemed important to me. I intuitively felt that they drew the reader's attention to the interconnectedness of the words in the line as well as to the ways in which they were not related. I wanted to draw the reader to
word or set of words in this way. I considered putting words on another line thinking maybe this would create the same effect I was after, but it didn't work. The words I had on a line belonged together / but / they didn't. / The poem is about disconnection--how we are always defining our terms--and it's about death, the wanting it and not.
The beginning of the poem begins with flies
Slashes after the first stanza wanted to show a sense of closure in the thought as well as a sense of irony--the urge to die (jump) and the longing to touch something actual. In the second line of the second stanza, I wanted the tension between "outside" and "a door." The slashes, I hoped, would suggest the meditative process of my thinking.
What then? Do we always
Slashes are rarely used in the main body of this long poem. They reappear at the conclusion of the poem when a series of words or phrases used elsewhere comes together. The slashes reframe words used in other locations, stressing the new (re-newed) meaning in this context, that the way we examine our relationship to language is cumulative, that we need to wonder what we mean. I wanted a staccato, breathless effect.
I ended with a splash, I suspect, because I wanted to end with a sense of going on in this continual interruption called "my life," this life being separate from what we know, what we are moving toward. With recent world events, I have known, again, the value of the poets. In the last few weeks, the official state language has been particularly corrupt: words no longer mean anything when . . . a swap is not a swap, a summit is not a summit and then is again a summit, failure is success, de-link is presented as a real verb and--most important--mis-information is revealed as a conscious strategy . . . . Poetry is valuable because it forces what is always in danger of being lost: a close attention to language . . . . One of the discoveries of
is that "The fight for life, for breath" and "scribblings" are intertwined: not only is the connection between poetry and community, art and life, real,
it is
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