Norma Cole

Norma Cole writes, paints, translates. Lives in San Francisco, has a son, Jesse. A book of poetry, Mace Hill Remap, has just been published by Moving Letters. A new book, Metamorphopsia, is scheduled to appear this year from Potes & Poets Press. Also working on a translation of Danielle Collobert's book, Il donc, to be published by O Press.


"I had been thinking about Venice."
and placement.
There were two different writings eyeing each other across that space. There was tension, and I began to wonder what would happen when they fell into each other.
When I sent KF the xerox collage (a spontaneous momentary placement), a letter written to her on the reverse side, she asked to place it in this issue of HOW(ever ) as it was, with some of the words covered over by the strip of images. So it came to have this form this time.


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