from Luces en la Jaula / Lights in the Cage a bird may even become bird (still so stained with blood/feathers) but the almost I that figure on every threshold how do I recover the whatever/that we inventoutside antagonist/ignorant that we imitate like a way of living (things have) if no recourse remained no tactics against you/against desireI'd still have danger so I strip off my clothes who knows what campfires give you (giant) birth what herds astray what makeshift shelters objectsin space or atoms yearning for happening / at your command but tonguetied me afraid? starved for an unsheltered self I resound I will die in my place uncomforted by such squalor or out of sync what an end century I'm in/ cut off and/you see/ without lifeline or blueprint -translated by Anne Twitty Marķa Negroni read the author's bio and Working Notes go to this issue's table of contents