From The Sea On To The Land
Field from which all the dancers have gone
They've chosen me, the one without(to stay)
Whose womb, the size of grape pear grapefruit melon
Let me and let me
That flowing, how could it just be water
This I'm pointing to, without roots vines or leaves
Nearer to year and year
Only this, only there's more
Only this, only there's more
House built one palm's reach at a time
The wickedly steeping clock
Wickedly a thing I know
Diminuendo for what passes
To bearto bear
Descant for feeble contractions
Downward castPlot of land staked with twigs and twine
For homes, the leaders assured
For their counterparts a head taller muscles fuller vocabulary better
they fatten the cows bind the fruit trees to deliver marbled meat
luscious fruit and themselves sit down to boiled millet and an
onion or two pulled out of the ground
Many historic secular buildings were also damaged
The natives they brought with them for service, being naked
and in chains, had perished in great part during the winter
Children masquerade as their elders and are pleased
The elders plant azaleas and dogwoods where they were
in the yards of the elders before them
Wretched repetition worn
For long, forlorn, have I desired
In a world to be reapportioned beginning (that) day
Ribboned (recognition) superfluous
Discomfiture of (four) walls
Disaster in (milliseconds) effortless
Scourging does idiocy (pass)
To take the scene of (shame) and embroider
(Up ahead) vision version nor bees neither honey
And (west), a direction (stretching)