Laura Feldman is a poet, student, and office worker in San Francisco. Her work has appeared in Mirage, Practising Angels, and IF. She is involved in performance poetry. WORKING NOTES, LAURA FELDMAN: How does a particular physical space (contain us) contain us writing? I write on piers, in cafes, on buses. . . . Writing in a new place releases my presence here and connects me to where I've just left. IN THE CITY a fragmentation of the "I," a splitting of the personality for survival created a period of word collages until my "I" became so omnipresent and dispersed I had no "I" from which to write. GETTING OUT OF THE CITY GOING INTO THE COUNTRY, being in a new place, unfamiliar, the "I" consolidates for survival. The nature of nature is unity. My fractured "I" pulled itself together and gave me this. go to this issue's table of contents