.endnotesEDITOR'S NOTES:
Rae Armantrout's new book,
will soon be available from Burning Deck Press. . . our apologies for misspelling the title in
Vol. 2, No. 2. The original French title of Nicole Brossard's
These Our Mothers, or: The Disintegrating Chapter,
from which sections were excerpted in our last issue, is
L'Amer ou le chapitre effrite
(Montreal: Quinze, 1975). . . thank you to her translator, Barbara Thompson Godard, for pointing this out. . .
for the un-sung translation work . . . . Our alphabet collages are by Jennifer Bahrt of San Francisco . . . . Frances Jaffer's long-awaited collection of poems,
Alternate Endings,
is forthcoming from
HOW(ever) Press
this summer. The book includes a sixty-four-page selection of poems written over the last four years. It will cost $6.00 (plus $1.00 for postage and handling), and may be ordered from HOW(ever) Press, 554 Jersey Street, San Francisco, California 94114, and from selected local bookstores featuring small press publications.
HOW(ever) is available in a second series of four numbers. Subscriptions for Volume 2 cost $6 for individuals, $8 for institutions and libraries. Single copies are not for sale, except on a limited local basis, nor are free sample copies available. Your subscription and support is invited. Subscription checks should go to: HOW(ever), c/o Jaffer, 871 Corbett, San Francisco, CA 94131. Original poetry manuscripts, informal commentary on neglected modernist women writers, postcards alerting us to current or lost works of poetry will be seriously considered. All editorial correspondence should be sent to: Fraser, 554 Jersey St., San Francisco, CA 94114. ![]() go to this issue's table of contents