Carolyn Kemp is co-editor of RE*MAP magazine and has work forthcoming in Central Park. She lives in Oakland. Working Notes, Carolyn Kemp: As physically thin and flat as a poem, the greater dimensionality of a painting's form and color challenged me to transpose both dimension and immediacy to the poem. I did not try to mirror a painting by visually arranging words on the page, but sought a sparking contiguity of nonlexical words with the familiar to allow other-sense perceptions to emerge. This writing, presided over by a monotype from Judy North's "Madame Moustache" series, insists on a curiously female/male axis of "stamen". The meanings of "stamen" blend mythical (thread of the Fates) and traditional female functions (weaving) along the botanical "male" function (fertilizing organ of a flower). go to this issue's table of contents