Claire Blotter lives in Bolinas, California, and teaches performance poetry and nonlinear theater writing workshops at the College of Marin and at Small Press Traffic Bookstore in San Francisco. Her work has appeared in The Cypress Review, Feminist Poetics , and conspire: to breathe together. She writes and performs feminist theater forms between poetry and traditional plays, between language and song. Her music/sound/text piece, Indian Water, will be televised on Channel 48 at the end of April. Working Notes, Claire Blotter: In much of my current work, I use sound and half phrases to grab for what cannot be said in a language permeated with patriarchal ideas, subtle sound-meaning connections and ingrained grammatical forms. In "Cept," I tried to pull apart the conditioned use of prepositions which seem stuck to and lead by the nouns which hierarchically claim or possess them. Words written in unconscious frozen units--meaning belonging only in/to set sacred order--with half words like "cept" hanging on begging for openness, the endless complexity of truth refusing to be bound/killed with a single period . . . . go to "Before Her Tongue Were" go to this issue's table of contents