CIPHER is an alphabet in motion; probably the first set of signs we encountered both visually and aurally as children that, once assimilated, made possible the transmission or exchange of thoughts and messages through language.
CIPHER is a take-off on the Modern graphic sign pushed "out-of-shape" through motion. The result is a freeing-up of any given notion of what "A" or "H" or "M" is supposed to look like. In that freeing it moves as image both backwards and forwards in time, thus encompassing its own history and process of change. In this way it is as closely linked to cuneiform as a visual code as it is to the technologically generated symbols of today. CIPHER came out of years of involvement with the photostatic process and the particular attributes and capabilities the various machines had to offer. Simultaneously, I was also interested in the source of written language as it appears visually in an alphabet--i.e. a character, sign or mark. Feeling restricted by these acknowledged characters as they exist today and back through to the Roman period, I wanted to create my own alphabet, my marks that come solely out of my personal experience, thus challenging and defying the given notions passed down by male scholars. go to this issue's table of contents