Kristen Kreider

(for S.)



Collection. A collection of things. Things collected together. Some? Things. Some things collected together. Something’s collected together. Something’s collected together in a group. (In a place.) Some things collected together in a group in a place. Something’s collected——
an accumulation. Like dust. Or dirt. Or (something’s collected out of place in a place) dreams.
Take mine.


When I was a child, I wanted to eat letters.

(+ music box)

When I grew up, I wanted to choke.



(Begin again.)

Re-collection. A re-collection of things. Things collected together (again). Some? Things. Some things collected together (again). Something’s collected together again. Something’s collected together again in a group. (In a place.) Some things collected together in a group in a place in again. Something’s collected——a recollection. Like memory. Or reverie. Or (something’s remembered out of place in a place) grudge. Take hers.


‘Excuse me, but I couldn’t help noticing you from across the way … Those rags! That fur! May I take your photograph? Thanks. And now, just a few questions. So: [pause] What kind of things do you like to collect?’

(she says)
(he says)
small phallic objects for my imaginary city



Are words? Things. Are words? Collected together. Some things collected together in a group? (In a place.) Something’s collected together in a group. (In a place.) In an order. In a syntax. Like speech is a collection of sounds. (What order is the matter in?) Like language is a collection of words. (What matters is in the order.) Like: box. grid. folder. folio. shelf. cabinet. book. file. stack. head. bag. pile. archive. day. moment.

Please take just a moment to collect your thoughts …

Take his. (Desire.) And today’s new word is syllable.



Con-nec-tion. A connection of things. Things connected together. Some? Things. Things? Ones. Some ones connected together. Someone’s connected together. Someone’s connected together in a group. (In a place.) Some ones connected together in a group in a place. Someone’s connected——an identification. Like logic. Mine? Hers. Or (someone’s connected out of place in a place) theirs. Take this.



(There’s a story in there somewhere. Is it mine? Hers? I watch her in the dark. In a frame. As he would. Steady hand. Through a lens. Does he love her? Will he leave her? As she smiles. Removes her glasses. Puts them on. Does he love her? I see myself. Same eyes. Does he love me? Will he leave me? Through his eyes. Dry eyes. He won’t eats onions and he never cries.)



Collection. Re-collection. Memories. Dreams. Words. Image. Eyes, through the eyes. Her eyes. His eyes. My eyes. Dry eyes. (He won’t eat onions and he never cries.)
I sit in the dark and wait …
I sit in the dark and wait …
I sit in the dark and wait to see for a moment through his eyes in her eyes. To see for a moment from her eyes to his eye. To see for a moment the camera linger. To see for a moment the gaze caress. To see for a moment if I see through his eyes if I see in her eyes a reflection of -- what? A reflection of I don’t know what. A reflection of connection or a once-was connection of a time and a place and a memory and a dream and an image of connection or a once-was connection. A collection of connections of a once-was dream.



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