Kristen Kreider Collection
I. Collection. A collection of things. Things collected together. Some? Things. Some things collected together. Something’s collected together. Something’s collected together in a group. (In a place.) Some things collected together in a group in a place. Something’s collected—— * When I was a child, I wanted to eat letters. (+ music box) When I grew up, I wanted to choke.
II. (Begin again.) Re-collection. A re-collection of things. Things collected together (again). Some? Things. Some things collected together (again). Something’s collected together again. Something’s collected together again in a group. (In a place.) Some things collected together in a group in a place in again. Something’s collected——a recollection. Like memory. Or reverie. Or (something’s remembered out of place in a place) grudge. Take hers. * ‘Excuse me, but I couldn’t help noticing you from across the way … Those rags! That fur! May I take your photograph? Thanks. And now, just a few questions. So: [pause] What kind of things do you like to collect?’
III. Are words? Things. Are words? Collected together. Some things collected together in a group? (In a place.) Something’s collected together in a group. (In a place.) In an order. In a syntax. Like speech is a collection of sounds. (What order is the matter in?) Like language is a collection of words. (What matters is in the order.) Like: box. grid. folder. folio. shelf. cabinet. book. file. stack. head. bag. pile. archive. day. moment. Please take just a moment to collect your thoughts … Take his. (Desire.) And today’s new word is syllable.
IV. Con-nec-tion. A connection of things. Things connected together. Some? Things. Things? Ones. Some ones connected together. Someone’s connected together. Someone’s connected together in a group. (In a place.) Some ones connected together in a group in a place. Someone’s connected——an identification. Like logic. Mine? Hers. Or (someone’s connected out of place in a place) theirs. Take this.
(There’s a story in there somewhere. Is it mine? Hers? I watch her in the dark. In a frame. As he would. Steady hand. Through a lens. Does he love her? Will he leave her? As she smiles. Removes her glasses. Puts them on. Does he love her? I see myself. Same eyes. Does he love me? Will he leave me? Through his eyes. Dry eyes. He won’t eats onions and he never cries.)
V. Collection. Re-collection. Memories. Dreams. Words. Image. Eyes, through the eyes. Her eyes. His eyes. My eyes. Dry eyes. (He won’t eat onions and he never cries.)