Critical Feature on Leslie Scalapino
Coordinated by Laura Hinton
Laura Hinton, Zither & (Autobiographical) Introduction: The Writings of Leslie Scalapino
Leslie Scalapino, ‘Can’t’ is ‘Night’
Leslie Scalapino, Kathy Acker — Subjectivity, Plagiarism as Autobiography: Disruptive Practice
Note by Rob Holloway, Audio Reading of ‘Can’t’ is ‘Night’
Zack, Reflections Since The Present: On Staging Scalapino
Elisabeth A. Frost, How Bodies Act: Leslie Scalapino’s Still Performance
Jeanne Heuving, Toward a Defense of Formed Content, or Why Leslie Scalapino’s Deer Night Matters
Alicia Cohen, “I’m Seeing What We Call Normal Life as Being a Vision”: Visionary Scrutiny in the Work of Leslie Scalapino
Camille Martin, Reading the Mind of Events: Leslie Scalapino’s Plural Time
An Interview with Leslie Scalapino by Anne Brewster, “We’re always at war”: the Worlding of Writing/Reading
Melissa Benham
and Stacey Dacheux, crossing to
Susan Johanknecht, List of Illustrations
Hazel Smith, the writer, the performer, the program, the madwoman (web version)
. o O Coordinated
by Sawako Nakayasu
Japanese Modernist Innovation

Sawako Nakayasu, Introduction
Sagawa Chika, Poems translated by Sawako Nakayasu
Ema Shôko, Poems translated by Miryam Sas
Arai Toyomi, Essay translated by Janine Beichman
work/book + ^
Coordinated by
Redell Olsen

Featuring work by Maggie O'Sullivan
Writing/Conversation with Dell Olsen
all origins are lonely, Maggie O'Sullivan
murmur, Maggie O'Sullivan
Magie O'Sullivan Publication List
writing =
The Text as a Site of Resistance
by Frances Presley
work by:
Tilla Brading
Susan Johanknecht
Jane Joritz-Nakagawa
Christine Kennedy
Karen McCormack
Hermine Meinhard
Mary Michaels
Geraldine Monk
Sina Queyras
by Andrea Baker

note ^
Leaking Species, by Kate Fagan
phrase "collision leaking species" appears in several
panels of Maggie O'Sullivan's provocative work murmur,
a sequence of text-based artworks and collages excerpted in this
issue's work/book section. As its title suggests,
murmur is a graphic and partial account...[continued]
print --
recent publications
news and announcements
Coordinated by Romney Steele & Sun Yung Shin
With email from:
Romney Steele,
Sun Yung Shin,
Susan Landers,
Jenny Penberthy,
Hazel Smith,
Phoebe Stein Davis,
Sara Holliday,
Andrea Baker,
Sawako Nakayasu,
Kristen Hanlon,
Dee Morris,
Phil Usher,
Harrison Jeff,
Barbara Guest,
Susan Friedman,
Edward Butscher,
Tatiana Petrovich Njegosh
“A Narrative in
Escaped Places”:
After Stein
Coordinated by Kate Fagan
Janet Neigh, Paragraphing Intervals of Night
Carla Harryman, The Mother of Us All
Marina Morbiducci, “Ida did go in-directly everywhere”: the escaping pervasion of space
Mary Ann Caws, Narrative in Escaped Places
Mark Byron, “Stein Did That,” and Did That Until It Was Done
Michael Farrell, A Pail Of Clover, A Beauty Pageant: The Stein Way
Marina Morbiducci, Tendering the Unbuttoning: Translating Stein into Italian
Rob Holloway, From PERMIT: Non-Stop Transcribes
Michael Farrell, Everybody’s Example: Stein and Memoir

in conference (
TALKS Series London
Coordinated by Hilda Bronstein
Hilda Bronstein, Introduction: TALKS Series London
Mark Leahy, Tina Darragh: performing the familiar sentence
Nicky Marsh, Go Grrrl: The Zine and the PostLiterary
Alison Croggon, Specula: Mirrors from the Middle Ages
commentaries on recent publications
Nicky Marsh On Goan Atom by Caroline Bergvall
Linda Kinnahan On The Feminist Avant-Garde in American Poetry by Elisabeth A. Frost
Harry Thorne ‘Source Jamming’: On Scratch Sides: Poetry, Documentation, and Image Text Projects by Kristin Prevallet
Yerra Sugarman, ‘Being Here’: On Original Green by Patricia Carlin
Michael Farrell On Clutch: Including Hockey Love Letters by Sawako Nakayasu
Monica Sirignano, ‘Zither and King Lear : Similar Philosophy, Different Text’: On Zither & Autobiography by Leslie Scalapino
Vahni Capildeo On Anatomy for the Artist by Sarah Simblet
Linda Russo On The Grand Permission: New Writings on Poetics and Motherhood, eds Patricia Dienstfrey and Brenda Hillman, and Red Book in Three Parts by Bernadette Mayer