about this section:
Investigation of the poetics/politics of intentionality may be considered as a significant element of this section, as well as questions of canon formation, public access, the reviewing process, etc. These writings may be original or reprinted (by permission), and will include conference papers relevant to the HOW2 project. Reflections on the poem-making process are encouraged, as well as more formal essays. Bios and photos are always requested; when they don't appear, it is at the discretion of the writer.
We will be featuring the following special sections of issue 8s Reading/s. Papers falling outside these sections should be sent to Ann Vickery at vickery_ann@yahoo.com .
Lola Ridge Feature: Catherine Daly: cadaly@pacbell.net
Rosmarie Waldrop Feature: Kornelia Freitag: kfreitag@rz.uni-potsdam.de
Eros and Sexuality: Jeanne Heuving: jheuving@u.washington.edu
On Leslie Scalapino:
Jeanne Heuving, A Dialogue about Love [...in] the Modern World/Tracking Leslie Scalapino
Lyn Hejinian, Figuring Out
See also Adalaide Morris's Thinking Toward Action: Epistemology, Politics and the Syntax of Modernist Poetics in the in-conference section of this issue.
On Lorine Niedecker:
Elizabeth Willis, The Milk Separator and the New Goose: Niedecker, Eisenstein, and the Poetics of Non-indifference
Jenny Penberthy, Editing Niedecker
Other reading/s:
Jacob Edmond, Re-visioning the I/Eye: Lyn Hejinian and the Poetics of Translation
Susan McCabe, Facing the Wrong Way: Elizabeth Bishop and the French Connection
Redell Olsen, Images After Errors/Errors After Images: Joan Retallack
table of contents