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about this section:

Brief commentaries/ new scholarly finds/ research projects-in-process, improvised conversations concerning books of original poetry & other innovative written forms, including responses to new works of scholarship. We want to know how you are thinking about the works you are reading by women writers in the modernist or experimentalist traditions. Poets, scholars, students, readers are invited to contribute to this section. Send suggestions or finished speculations to: Ann Vickery <>

[click to see full image of artwork by Toni Simon]

Sarah Rosenthal
“Gloria Frym's Homeless at Home

Julia Bloch
“Elizabeth Robinson's Harrow and Robin Caton's The Color of Dusk

Michael Farrell
“Copy Medicine: Jenny Gough's Mary & Shelley's Fair Copy Book / going: Jen Bervin's under what is not under

Michael Farrell
“Cronin Culture: Notes Towards A Definition”

Anne Brewster
“everyone is connected in the thrash”: the bed and the globe in Juliana Spahr's Fuck you — Aloha — I Love You

Jen Bervin
“Granary Books”

Linda Russo
“Real and Imagined Muses: The Angel Hair Anthology

table of contents