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OXFORD BROOKES COLLOQUIUM: The Politics of Presence: Re-reading the Writing Subject in “Live” and Electronic Performance, Theatre and Film Poetry
Organized by Romana Huk. Selections co-ordinated by Romana Huk & Hilda Bronstein

Romana Huk

Caroline Bergvall
“Piece in Progress: About Face (Goan Atom, 2)

Tyrus Miller
The Poetics of “What is the Case
”: Péter Forgács Wittgenstein Tractatus and the Documentary Fact

Joan Retallack
“Writers-Readers-Performers: Partners in Crime

Dell Olsen
“Degrees of Liveness, Live and Electronic Subjects: Leslie Scalapino, Fiona Templeton, and Carla Harryman

Alex Goody
“‘The Subject of Hypertextural Poetry: Performing Susan Howe

Robert Sheppard
The Performing and the Performed: Performance Writing and Performative Reading

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