Submissions for the Postcard section should be sent to Kathleen Fraser
Text: is best sent as RTF (Rich Text Format) or a Microsoft Word document (preferably Microsoft Word 97) as an attachment to an e-mail (not within the e-mail). Most word processors can save a file as RTF text. If sending a document as Word, please specify in the body of your e-mail message which version you are using. To check which version you are currently using on your computer, go to the Help menu and chose: "About Microsoft Word." File Title: Please write the title of each file so that your surname starts the filename, eg. Vickerypoem1.doc. Remember also to attach the appropriate suffix (eg. ".rtf" or ".doc") to the filenames if you are using a Mac. Font: Georgia or Times New Roman, 12 point, is the preferred font for HOW2. Please try not to use other fonts as we may not be able to reproduce them. Layout: Please use single spacing for all writing, including poems and quotes. However, if a poem or mixed media piece does require a different spacing arrangement, feel free to go ahead. Please use tabs rather than the spacebar when formatting poems. Arrangements using the spacebar are lost when converted to HTML. However, if you are using very specific spacing, please send a hard copy of the original to our web master: Roberta
L. Sims Make sure the hard copy has your name, address, e-mail address, and the section for HOW2 to which it is being directed to (eg. New writing, readings, forum, etc.) clearly set out on the cover page. Graphics:
These are best sent as e-mail attachments in the forms of JPEGs. Please
add the suffix ".jpg" (not ".jpeg") in lower case to the file name. If
you are are scanning the artwork yourself, please scan it at 100% size,
with the resolution set to 300, 150 or 72 DPI. GUIDELINES Proposals for original artwork should bear in mind the requirements of this journal. A xerox or photograph of suggested graphics should be sent to the editors, rather than original art work. If a piece of work is requested by an editor for a particular issue, the artist will then be asked to send the original art work to a designated postal address.