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Introductory Remarks about this section:
Brief commentaries/ new scholarly finds/ research projects-in-process, improvised conversations concerning books of original poetry & other innovative written forms, as well as new works of scholarship. We want to know how you are thinking about the works you are reading by women writers in the modernist or experimentalist traditions. Poets, scholars, students, readers are invited to contribute to this section. Send suggestions or finished speculations to: Kathleen Fraser <kfraser@sfs.edu>

Tisa Bryant and Rachel Levitsky
Discussion of Akilah Oliver's she said dialogues:
flesh memory

Lisa Docherty
"Quoting the Wordless Performance"

Elizabeth Joyce
"Silence Replenishing the Blank Page: Susan Howe's 'White Foolscap; " [an excerpt]

Brenda Hillman
Juliana Spahr's "Spiderwasp or Literary Criticism"

Dale Going
Denise Newman's "Human Forest"

Frances Presley
Geraldine Monk's Dream Drover

Sarah Anne Cox and Elizabeth Treadwell
"Negations/Interruptions" on books by J. Clark, R. Levitsky, C. Martin, C. Marakove, and S. Schultz

Patricia Machmiller
"The (Blue) Skirt/ a response to closed forms"

Marcella Durand
Four Mapuche Poets (anthology)

Yedda Morrison
Elizabeth Treadwell's Populace

Catherine Kaspar
Jena Osman's The Character


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